
that they are right被称为be called 我可以被称为任何一件事物,因为,我无所失去I could be called anything because I stand to lose nothing被看做 be regarded as He is regarded as my best friend;title vt赋予头衔,头衔,名称 award vt颁发,赏给 honour vt尊敬,授予荣誉,承兑,实践 改成被动语态就行了,在这些词前加 BE 如,Liu Xiang was awared by the Gold Metal in last Olympic Games 。


He was known as the fastest runner of the people,谢谢,希望对你有帮助;被认为是 be know as be taken for 相关短语 in the know 知道实情,掌握内幕 know as 知道是,把称之为be know as 以而闻名,被认为是,被称为 know of 知道,了解,听说过know about 知道 。

对于结了婚但并未随夫姓的女士,称呼Mrs随女权主义运动的兴起,有很多女性不愿意通过称呼体现出自己的婚姻状况marital status,所以更倾向于被称为Ms,这个不论是已婚还是未婚都可以用,所以为礼貌起见,第一次见到 。
英语英语English是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia;称为 词典intitule 经 term例句那么,正如我对你说过的那样,自然医学也被称为整体医学So,as I said to you,natural medicine is also known as holistic medicine 。
翻译如下 称呼 根据语境call address appellation 当面招呼用的名称 form of address a form of address都可以 例句我该怎么称呼她What should I call her?How should I address her;1He thought his tennis was unbeatable,but when he met her he found his don#39t bring it up me introduce our principal to you如果是大学可用 dean 代替 sun is 。
The giant panda is known as the quotnational treasurequot China,but now the pandas are in danger;圣人,是指被大众认为具有特别美德和神圣的人圣人的介定经常出现在诸子百家之书籍有的宗教专门通过一定的仪式加封圣人,但也有的圣人直接被大众尊奉为圣人在中国,古代圣明的君主帝王,及后世道德高尚儒学造诣高深者,称 。
【被称为用英语怎么说】1被称为用英语go by the name of,英 ɡ#601#650 ba#618 #240#601 ne#618m #594v 美 ɡo#650 ba#618 #240#601 ne#618m #601v2这座城市被称为美国 。
英语called the lditarod Trail翻译成中文是“被称为勒迪塔罗德小径”重点词汇 trail 一单词音标 trail单词发音英 tre#618l 美 tre#618l 二单词释义 n 踪迹小径尾一系列 vi 拖;development and function of living organisms The main role of DNA in the cell is the long term storage of information一般不会特意说明“以下称为”如果你被允许灵活翻译的话,不妨效仿我给的例子 。
Today,in our class to quotbe calledquot China to help quotChenGuangBiao announced that he#39s death will donate to charity all their property,value is more than $five billionAfter the news he brother and sister;正月十五一般被称为元宵节或者灯节,中国新年庆祝活动在这一天达到顶峰The fifteenth day of the general is called the Lantern Festival or the Lantern Festival,Chinese New Year celebrations on this day 。
被称作翻译成 be called 或 be named,如 He is called Tom= He is named Tom他被称作汤姆有不明白的请继续追问;被用于 be used to do something for something 重点词汇used 英 ju#720st 美 justadj 习惯的二手的,使用过的 v 用use的过去式used to过去常做 短语 intentionally used 有意 。
