安装好VMware Workstation,只能算是万里长征走完了第一步 。在第一次运行VMware Workstation之前,还需要对其进行网络配置,安装必须的网络组件 。这一步可以说是关键中的关键 。
安装好tar安装包,系统会提示是否需要自动运行vmware-config.pl配置脚本,选择“yes”,然后接受最终用户许可协议(EULA:End User License Agreement) 。
接下来系统会提示需要把vmmon模块编译进系统内核 。由于Fedora Core 1.0所使用的usr/bin/gcc版本(3.2.3)和所需的GCC版本(3.2.2)不符合,配置程序警告说可能导致VMware Workstation崩溃,不要理会VMware的警告,键入“yes”,并回车开始强行编译 。
What is the location of the directory of C header files
that match your running kernel?
这是系统询问匹配当前内核的C头文件的存放路径,按回车键接受默认路径/lib/modules/2.4.22-1.2115.nptl/build/include 。
然后系统开始编译 。如果最后出现以下提示信息,则说明编译成功,模块已经加载到系统内核:
The module loads perfectly in the running kernel.
接下来会询问一些配置过程所必须回答的问题,这是一个关键 。很多朋友抱怨他们的VMware Workstation老是不听使唤,无法使用其网络功能,究其原因是因为没有正确地回答这些问题 。下面就详细解释这些重要问题 。
1.Do you want networking for your virtual machines? (yes/no/help)
这是询问是否需要进行虚拟机的网络配置,回答“yes” 。如果回答“no”,则中止配置过程 。键入“help”即可查看详细帮助信息:
Networking will allow your virtual machines to use a virtual network.
There are primarily two types of networking available: bridged and host-only.
A bridged network is a virtual network that is connected to an existing
ethernet device. With a bridged network, your virtual machines will be able to
communicate with other machines on the network to which the ethernet
card is attached.A host-only network is a private network between your
virtual machines and host. Virtual machines connected to a host-only
network may only communicate directly with other virtual machines or the host.
A virtual machine may be configured with more than one bridged or host-only
配置程序允许虚拟机使用虚拟网络,有两种类型的网络配置:Bridge(网桥)模式和Host-only(仅宿主机模式) 。网桥网络是连接到物理网卡上的虚拟网络,虚拟机可以通过网桥网络连接外部网络──通过物理网卡连接的外部网络 。
仅宿主机网络是仅供宿主机、虚拟机通信的虚拟网络,Host-only网络上的虚拟机只能和宿主机、或其它虚拟机直接通信 。一个虚拟机可以同时配置多个Bridged网络或Host-only网络 。
Configuring a bridged network for vmnet0.
Configuring a NAT network for vmnet8.
2.Do you want this program to probe for an unused private subnet? (yes/no/help)
这是询问是否需要配置程序搜索未使用的专用子网地址,这里可以回答“yes” 。如果不明白这个问题的具体含义,只要键入“help”即可查看详细帮助信息:
Virtual machines configured to use NAT networking are placed on a
virtual network that is confined to this host. Virtual machines on
this network can communicate with the network through the NAT process,
with each other, and with the host.
虚拟专用网络上的虚拟机是通过NAT进程来和宿主机、其它虚拟机进行通信 。
To setup NAT networking you need to select a network number that is
normally unreachable from the host. We can automatically select this
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