如何用Catalyst 5500路由器更换惠普路由器

路由器:用Cisco Catalyst 5500路由器更换惠普路由器
我用Cisco Catalyst 5500路由器更换我的惠普路由器,我的Catalyst 5500交换机运行路由交换模块(RSM) 。
当我接通惠普路由器电源时,它首先发送一个任何类型的广告ARP (地址解析协议),然后发送SNAP封装的ARP 。
Cisco路由器将SNAP封装的ARP保存到ARP缓存中,当出现这种情况时,我失去了惠普与Cisco路由器之间的通讯 。
操作系统 - HP-UX
硬件系统 - HP9000
系列 - D370
应用程序 - 路由交换模块(RSM)
子系统 - Cisco Catalyst 5500路由器11.3(18)
作为一个规避方法,你可以配置所需帧类型的静态ARP条目 。
这个问题是一个已知的Cisco问题,使用RSM的Catalyst 5500系列交换机存在这个问题 。

.........following with all English text ....
[A5762553/TRAK-ACTIVE/English] A5762553
Router: replacing HP routers with Cisco Catalyst 5500 routers
Problem Description
I am replacing my HP routers with Cisco Catalyst 5500 routers.My
Catalyst 5500 switches are running the Routing Switch Module (RSM).
When I power-on the HP router, it first sends an advertising ARP (Address
Resolution Protocol) of any type, and then sends a SNAP-encapsulated ARP.
The Cisco router places the SNAP-encapsulated ARP into its ARP cache.
When this happens, I lose communication between the HP and Cisco routers.
How can I resolve this problem?
Configuration Info
Operating System - HP-UX
Hardware System - HP9000
Series - D370
Application - Routing Switch Module (RSM)
Subsystem - Cisco Catalyst 5500 Router 11.3(18)
As a work-around, you can configure a static ARP entry of the desired
frame type.
This issue is a known Cisco problem.Catalyst 5500 series switches
that use the RSM exhibit this problem.
