Enter the port number to use for this entry (default is ""):<7372>
----------------------------------------------------------------------------EDIT TCP SERVICE1. Hostname/Address: credit.credit.COM
2. Port: 7372
3. Name Alias:4. Delete this service from the interfaces entryCtrl-a Accept and Continue, Ctrl-x Exit Screen, ? Help.Enter the number of your choice and press return:
Is this information is correct?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------SERVER INTERFACES FILE ENTRY SCREEN
Server name: SYB_BACKUP1. Retry Count: 3
2. Retry Delay: 33. Add a new listener serviceModify or delete a serviceListener services available:Protocol Address Port Name Alias
4. tcp credit.credit.C 7372
Ctrl-a Accept and Continue, Ctrl-x Exit Screen, ? Help.Enter the number of your choice and press return:
Write the changes to the interfaces file now?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------BACKUP SERVER CONFIGURATION1. Backup Server errorlog: /u/sybase/install/backup.log
2. Enter / Modify Backup Server interfaces file information
Ctrl-a Accept and Continue, Ctrl-x Exit Screen, ? Help.Enter the number of your choice and press return:
Execute the Backup Server configuration now?
----------------------------------------------------------------------------Running task to update the Backup Server runserver file.
Task jto update the Backup Server runserver file succeeded.
Running task to boot the Backup Serve.
waiting for server "SYB_BACKUP" to boot...
Task to boot the Backup Server succeeded.Configuration completed successfully.Press
2. Configure an existing Backup Server
Ctrl-a Accept and Continue, Ctrl-x Exit Screen, ?HelpEnter the number of your choice and press return:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------CONFIGURE SERVER PRODUCTSProduct Date Installed Date Configured
1. SQL Server Jun 09 96 14:35 Jun 13 96 17:30
2. Backup Server Jun 09 96 14:35 Jun 13 96 17:32Ctrl-a Accept and Continue, Ctrl-x Exit Screen, ? Help.Enter the number of your choice and press return:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------SYBINIT1. Release directory: /u/sybase2. Edit / View Interfaces File3. Configure a Server product
4. Configure an Open Client/Server product
5. Configure a Front End productCtrl-a Accept and Continue, Ctrl-x Exit Screen, ? Help.Enter the number of your choice and press return:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------【SYBASE 11.0.0 For SCO Unix 安装手册】Exiting.
The log file for this session is "/u/sybase/init/logs/log0613.024".
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