sybsystemprocs database created.
Task to created the sybsystemprocs database succeeded.
Running task to install system stored procedures.
Task to install system stored procedures succeeded.
Running task to set permissions for the "model" database.
Task to set permissions for the "model" database succeeded.
Running task to set the default character set and/or default sort order for the
SQL Server.
Setting the default character set to iso_1
Sort order "binary" has already been installed.
Character set "iso_1" is already is default.
Sort order "binary" is already the default.
Task to set the default character set and/or default sort order for the SQL
Server succeeded.
Running task to set the default language.
Setting the default language to us_english.
Language "us_english" is already the default.
Task to set the default language succeeded.Configuration completed successfully.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------NEW OR EXISTING SQL SERVER1. Configure a new SQL Server
2. Configure an existing SQL ServerCtrl-a Accept and Continue, Ctrl-x Exit Screen, ? Help.Enter the number of your choice and press return:
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------CONFIGURE SERVER PRODUCTSProduct Date Installed Date Configured
1. SQL Server Jun 09 96 14:35 Jun 13 96 17:30
2. Backup Server Jun 09 96 14:35 Jun 13 96 17:32
Ctrl-a Accept and Continue, Ctrl-x Exit Screen, ? Help.Enter the number of your choice and press return: <2>
----------------------------------------------------------------------------NEW OR EXISTING BACKUP SERVER1. Configure a new Backup Server
2. Configure an existing Backup Server
Ctrl-a Accept and Continue, Ctrl-x Exit Screen, ? Help.Enter the number of your choice and press return: <1>
----------------------------------------------------------------------------ADD NEW BACKUP SERVER1. Backup Server name:SYB_BACKUP
Ctrl-a Accept and Continue, Ctrl-x Exit Screen, ? Help.Enter the number of your choice and press return:
----------------------------------------------------------------------------BACKUP SERVER CONFIGURATION1. Backup Server errorlog: /u/sybase/install/backup.log
2. Enter / Modify Backup Server interfaces file information
Ctrl-a Accept and Continue, Ctrl-x Exit Screen, ? Help.Enter the number of your choice and press return: <2>
----------------------------------------------------------------------------SERVER INTERFACES FILE ENTRY SCREEN
Server name: SYB_BACKUP1. Retry Count: 0
2. Retry Delay: 03. Add a new listener service
Ctrl-a Accept and Continue, Ctrl-x Exit Screen, ? Help.Enter the number of your choice and press return:<1>
Enter the retry count (default is "0"): <3>
Server name: SYB_BACKUP1. Retry Count: 3
2. Retry Delay: 03. Add a new listener service
Ctrl-a Accept and Continue, Ctrl-x Exit Screen, ? Help.Enter the number of your choice and press return:<2>
Enter the delay interval between retries (default is "0"): <3>
----------------------------------------------------------------------------SERVER INTERFACES FILE ENTRY SCREEN
Server name: SYB_BACKUP
1. Retry Count: 3
2. Retry Delay: 33. Add a new listener service
Ctrl-a Accept and Continue, Ctrl-x Exit Screen, ? Help.Enter the number of your choice and press return:<3>
----------------------------------------------------------------------------EDIT TCP SERVICE1. Hostname/Address:
2. Port:
3. Name Alias:4. Delete this service from the interfaces entryCtrl-a Accept and Continue, Ctrl-x Exit Screen, ? Help.Enter the number of your choice and press return:
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