The SCSI configuration file has been updated.
Updating system configuration …
System files have been successfully updates.
Configuring Tape Driver ...(Stp)
Enter Vendor Identification string or press
Or enter q to return to main menu:键人: HPTape
Enter SCSI version that device is conformant to or press
键入 Enter
Enter Response Data Format that device uses or press
The following tape drive types are supported:
1.Generic SCSI-1 / SCSI-2 Tape drive
2.EXABYTE 8mm tape drive (8200 or 8500)
3.IBM rebadged EXABYTE 8mm tape drive (8200)
4.DAT drive (Compressing and non-Compressing)
5.QIC Cartridge tape drive
Please choose one of the above, press
Tape Driver Successfully Configured
Default special device have been created with the following links:
/dev/xct0linked to /dev/xStp0
/dev/rct0linked to /dev/rStp0and /dev/rmt/0b
/dev/nrct0linked to /dev/nrStp0and /dev/rmt/0bn
In /etc/default/boot:
No current boot string.
Enter New String, “rm” to remove string, or enter q to leave current string as is:
键入:q , 屏幕显示:
SCSI or Enhanced IDE Tape Drive Configuration Program【下 HP 服务器安装 SCOUNIX 5.0.4/5】1.Install a SCSI Tape Drive
2.Install an Enhanced IDE Tape Drive
3.Remove a SCSI Tape Drive
4.Remove an Enhanced IDE tape Drive
5.Change default Tape Drive
6.VIEw Current SCSI and Enhanced IDE Tape Drive configurationSelect an option or enter q to return to main menu
键入q , 屏幕显示:
Tape Drive Configuration Program1. Configure a SCSI or Enhanced IDE tape drive
2. Configure a different type of tape drive
Select an option or enter q to quit:
You must create a new kernel to effect the drive change you specified
Do you wish to create a new kernel now? (y/n)键入y , 屏幕显示:
Do you want this kernel to boot by default? (y/n)
键入 y , 屏幕显示:
Do you want the kernel environment rebuilt? (y/n)
键入 y
安装完毕 , 重新引导系统 , 即可使用磁带机 。
tar tvf /dev/rct0
tar cvf /dev/rct0 Directory _name or filename
tar xvf /dev/rct0
cpio –icuvdmB30. 附加逻辑盘安装
Sco Unix不能自动识别附加逻辑盘 , 需要手动安装 , 有以下步骤:
(1)进入UNIX系统 , 在系统维护状态(单用户装态)下 , 键入命令
# mkdev hd
1)Add a hard disk to IDE controller
2)Add a hard disk to SCSI controller
3)Add a hard disk to IDA controller
Enter the prefix of the SCSI host adapter that supports this
Device Or press
Enter h for a list of host adapters or enter q to quit:
输入amird , 然后敲Enter
Which ‘amird" SCSI host adapter supports this device?
Select 0-6, or enter q to quit :
敲 0
The Host Adapter parameters will be automatically configured
What SCSI Bus is this device attached to ?
Select 0-6, or h for help, or q to quit :
敲 0
What is the Target ID for this device?
Select 0-15, or h for help, or q to quit :
敲 0
What is the LUN of this device ?
Select 0-7, or h for help, or q to quit :
敲 1
You are about to add the following SCSI device:
Host AdapterAdapter
amirdsdsk0010Update SCSI configuration?(y/n) , 键入y
The SCSI configuration file has been updated.
A new kernel must be built and rebooted before disk configuration can
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