xf86config使用说明( 四 )

 4ICS5342 (similar to SDAC, but not completely compatible)ics5342
 5S3 GenDAC (86C708) and ICS5300 (autodetected) s3gendac
 6S3 SDAC (86C716)s3_sdac
 7Sierra SC11412sc11412
 8TI 3025 ti3025

Just press enter if you don"t want a Clockchip setting.
What Clockchip setting do you want (1-8)?

为什麽我要说最讨厌呢??因为通常说明书上都不会有这颗chip的型号! 把卡拿起
来看也不一定找得到! 如果真的不知道是那一颗的的话, 就只好用猜的了!!我都
猜2, 不然就是5或者是6.....总之, 最好能够确定. 如果不得已要用猜的.....
希望上帝保佑, 别把萤幕给烧了!

接下来是做测试, 以便抓到正确的clock. 不过这对有clock chip的卡而言, 却是
多馀的. 所以它也不会帮你做test. 只有没有clock chip的卡会做test!


For each depth, a list of modes (resolutions) is defined. The default
resolution that the server will start-up with will be the first listed
mode that can be supported by the monitor and card.
Currently it is set to:

"640x480" "800x600" "1024x768" "1280x1024" for 8bpp
"640x480" "800x600" "1024x768" for 16bpp
"640x480" "800x600" for 32bpp

Note that 16bpp and 32bpp are only supported on a few configurations.
Modes that cannot be supported due to monitor or clock constraints will
be automatically skipped by the server.

 1Change the modes for 8pp (256 colors)
 2Change the modes for 16bpp (32K/64K colors)
 3Change the modes for 32bpp (24-bit color)
 4The modes are OK, continue.

Enter your choice:

你可以根据你的卡及你所想要的显示模式来做选择. 一般而言, 以256色为最
普通的选择. 故在此我们选1 .


Select modes from the following list:


Please type the digits corresponding to the modes that you want to select.
For example, 432 selects "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480", with a
default mode of 1024x768.

Which modes?

Xwindow允许你在执行其间切换显示的解析度! 你所能切换的解析度, 就是你现在
所选择的, 假设我们的配备都不错我们可以输入54321, 这样我们就有五种解析度
可供选择!!其中第一个选的就是一开始进入Xwindow的预设的解析度! 不过要注意
的是!未必你所选的解析度就一定会出现. 这要看你的配备是否配合!! 你可以在
进入Xwindow後,按ctrl-alt-" "或ctrl-alt-"-"来做切换!

选好之後会回到选前一个选择显示模式的选单, 此时选第四项
"4The modes are OK, continue."就可以了!!

接下来它会问你要不要将设定写入正确的的设定档, 选YES就可以了..

I am going to write the XF86Config file now. Make sure you don"t accidently
overwrite a previously configured one.

Shall I write it to /etc/XF86Config?

 终於完成了!!很累吧??现在就是成果揭晓的时刻了, 输入startx或者是openwin
 如果都没什麽问题的话, 你就可以看到Xwindow了!!当你进入Xwindow後你可能会
 发现你的画面可能会偏掉! 这时你可以先开一个xterm, 然後执行vgaset这支程式
 , 你会看到你目前的Xwindow的一些显示参数!!此时你可以按"R"来将画面往左移,
