
这是一篇英文文章,主要的内容是对那些想用linux谋生的人,依目前linux现实环境作出建议,建议他们的下一步应做什么 。看完后,我感到他的讲*蛮中肯,但是这是以国外的环境来剖析,不知道国内是否相同?来个意见吧?
如何你是新手,读一下,有好无坏 。

ps.1.我不知道从那看到的信息,linux在亚洲地区的服务器市场,目前已占了25%的市场 。
Want to Make a Living From Linux?

by Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols

So you want to make a living from Linux, do you? Well, it can be done, but it"s not easy. Linux continues to gain in popularity, but someone qualified as a Microsoft Certified System Engineer (MCSE) still has a much easier time finding a job.

Can"t stomach the idea of working on Microsoft software? Then consider picking up Web development, eXtensible Markup Language (XML), and the Web Services XML trifecta of Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Web Services Definition Language (WSDL), and Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI). Trust me, with sufficient knowledge of those protocols, you won"t have any trouble finding a job this year.

Okay, so you still want to make a living at Linux; what do you do?

Well, for starters, you need to know Linux inside and out. Some of you may be snorting in disbelief that anyone reading this magazine wouldn"t already know Linux. You"d be surprised. Not every Linux Magazine reader lives and works with Linux. If you"re going to get paid cash for Linux skills, you need to live and work with it.

How do you get that expertise? You start with books. I can"t recommend the O"Reilly & Associates books highly enough. They may not be the end-all/ be-all of Linux and open source volumes, but they come closer than any other publisher"s books.

At the same time, unless you pick up operating systems like picking up change in a parking garage, you need to do all your computing on Linux. The way most professionals learn anything backwards and forwards is by burying themselves in the subject. That"s true whether it"s an operating system, a language, or networking.

Some people would say that to really know Linux well, you have to be an expert C programmer. They"re right -- if you want to be a developer. But beware: there aren"t that many jobs for Linux software developers. Unless you"re a hacker, or a budding hacker, I wouldn"t recommend going into Linux. It"s not like VisualBasic, COBOL programming, or a database language, where even a mediocre developer can make a living.

Instead, I think most would-be Linux workers should focus on system administration, network management, or Web management. These days, those jobs tend to get consolidated, so it"s wise to become competent in all three while mastering at least one.

To do that, you need to pick up a scripting language. I think it"s best to get the basics of grep, awk, and sed under your belt and then add Perl and/ or Python to your skill set.

At this point, if you"re not already working in these areas, you should be setting up your own LAN or Web server and working on it just as if it were for pay. The only way to get this stuff down is to get your hands dirty. No book exercise can compare with actually using the stuff in production.

You may also want to think about certification. While Linux certification isn"t a requirement for employment the way it is with Novell, Cisco, or Microsoft jobs, it can help you find work.

If you choose to go the certification route, you have four choices: CompTIA Linux , Linux Professional Institute (LPI), SAIR Linux and GNU, and Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE).

Of these, CompTIA"s Linuxis the new kid on the block. However, with their existing Aand Nettechnician-level certifications and a slew of books about to be published, they"re gaining momentum.
