我的T300是很久以前买的, 软件是R1D011.
也许大家都发现了,R1D08版的ERIX游戏38k,还有R1D011的MINIGLOF,BLACKDEAL,ALINESCUM共149K的三个游戏是千万不能删的,删了,回厂就回不来了,这才是T300目前的版本真正的BUG 。
血的教训啊,我拿到手的两天,就把游戏删了遍,都是那8个免费游戏害的啊 。完了,149k的内存就被存在但不能玩的游戏吃掉了 。
根据T300的系统白皮书上说,它用的MPU是12MHz的AVR,闪存是1M 。
我手头没有AVR的手册,也不能说出它的准确型号,但只要是AVR单片机,升级它的软件应当是很简单的 。就这1m的内存,依1900看,有一部分是用于系统及恢复用的 。而目前的有关扩充内存的方案,其实就是回厂后把图片预览用去的内存拿回来,后果就是不能使用系统自带的图片 。
另外,动画预览吃预览的内存是特别的厉害,所以一次一个屏保足以,不要传太多动画进去 。
还有,可能大家已经知道了,删预览图片只要进入内存统计里面删就可以了,不用再特累的把内存撑暴 。
最后一个有关内存的话题,就是采用该方法后,R01D08版的是612K左右,R01D011版的是545K左右,至于为什么有差别,1900想主要是08版是一个内置游戏,011版是三个内置游戏 。
还是要提醒大家,原来的游戏千万不要删,不删,回厂还有三个(对D08版是一个),而且它用到的149K内存是你用不到的 。而你把它删了,游戏没了,可内存还占在那里,要实就是回厂后把图片预览用去的内存拿回来机,它会告诉你游戏已存在,是否覆盖?可你就算选覆盖,它还又占用你500多K
好容易腾出来的内存,惨就一个字啊 。
有关MOPHUN那个SDK,190这几天没事,仔细研读了一下,然后研究了一下有关下载游戏的说明,并试了一下有关改IMEI的方法 。
2) 在mophun的网站上公布的试玩版,就是完全版 。只不过……
Demo functionality
Demo functionality means that the game can be distributed freely so that the end user can get a feel for
the game before buying it. When the user decides to buy the whole game the billing and installation
process will be the same as described for the game but instead it will be for a data certificate. The data
certificate unlocks the already downloaded game. (The data certificate will be a very small file since the
VST signs an empty file)//这说明demo vision是完全版
Games with demo functionality can also be purchased directly in which case the VST signs the game file
before download, just like games without demo functionality. It’s up to the distributor to choose which
approach to use.
For games without demo functionality the VST always signs the game file before download.
3)自己开发游戏和其它应用软件是必须把应用程序寄给MOPHUN认证,并通过它们发行 。否则下载到T300上就是“无效的认证”,如果那位大哥能搞到认证程序,或者有关资料,麻烦告诉1900.
Certification process
Gamelets must be certified to be allowed to
run on a mobile phone. Certifying a gamelet
means to quality assure it. We make sure
there is no offensive content, that the
gameplay and functionality is according to
settled standards, etc. We also scan the
gamelet for possible security breaches. If
the gamelet passes the certification
process, the gamelets are signed and
returned to the developer. Now the
gamelets are ready for their distribution.
Remember, no changes can now be done on
the signed gamelet.
4)改IMEI听说是可行的,但不是在ASCII区,应该是在16进制的区域 。
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