
首先更正贴牌机的概念:贴牌机,字面意思解释,一般是贴别人(有名气的大厂商、名牌)牌子卖自己(小厂、无名之辈)货的意思;也就是,提供牌子的只提供牌子,不管生产制造 。从这点看,说海尔是飞利浦贴牌是不对的 。
曾有机友soyeahr已经提供了答案:"事实这样的:philips的法国手机研发中心(唯一)因经营不善卖给了CEC(中电),630就是他们设计的,现在应该叫中电得手机研发中心,630和1000系列出自同门,因为haier与CEC在香港有手机研发合资公司,而philips手机现在既没有研发也没有生产了,他的研发全部委托给CEC了 。所以不是p把技术卖给了h,而是630 &1000同出自第三方CEC 。"
“Cellon provides universal wireless customized handset designs.
Through our design facilities in Europe, North American and Asia, Cellon has significantly expanded its R&D, software and hardware architecture, and system integration capabilities for current and next generation modules and platforms. Our European wireless / mobile design facility enables Cellon to establish immediate dominance in the GSM and GPRS platform products. Such capabilities allow Cellon to serve as an outsourced R&D and design house for well-established companies such as:
Philips Consumer Electronics HAIER (largest consumer electronic appliances company in China) XELIBRI (The fashion phone business unit of Siemens) Currently, major companies such as Nokia, Ericsson and Motorola, only design and distribute handsets under their own brand names. Using its worldwide R&D and design capabilities, Cellon can assist its major customers in selecting the most advanced fully developed, tested and implemented technologies available.”
【海尔彩1000M与飞利浦630的关系】可以看出,海尔也好,飞利浦也好,都是采用的Cellon(CEC)公司的核心技术,一个是在苏州产,一个是青岛造,一个是扩展了语音功能,一个是扩展了MP3,两者都采用了cellon630固件,1000M还扩展了其支持高容量电池部分,其余基本相同,应该算是一母同胞吧 。
附:Cellon 630 说明(摘自cellon):
