二 三星i900旗舰最详细翻译评测

Unboxing the Samsung i900 Omnia900 开箱
Samsung i900 Omnia comes in nicely looking medium-sized package. Its contents cover all the basics. A DC charger, a CD with the required software for PC synchronization and a bunch of manuals go without saying.
900 使用外观漂亮的中型包装,里面包括了基本的配件:一个 dc 充电器、一盒 cd 、其它一些无须赘述的东西 。
Samsung i900 Omnia unboxed
The stylus dongle is also included and it’s almost identical to the LG Viewty’s in design. And much like with the Viewty, it’s meant to dangle on its string tied to the lanyard eyelet. This isn’t handy at all, so our guess is most Omnia users will give it up in the end.
手写笔也包含在里面,与 lg 的 viewty 的设计很像 。可以挂在挂绳口上 。这样不是很方便,所以我猜想很多用户最后会放弃使用手写笔 。
The stylus has nice design, but no compartment of its own
There is also a handsfree, which consists of two parts - a remote and a set of headphones. The remote sports a standard 3.5mm jack, which means that you can change the provided headset with any other set you have at hand. Finally, there is a number of ear buds of varying sizes for a comfortable fit of the nicely designed headphones.
还有 2 段式的耳机,具备 3.5mm 借口,意味着你可以更换其它耳机 。还有各种不同尺寸的入耳耳塞 。
Nice job of a headset
Samsung i900 Omnia 360-degree spin 360 度观测
Standing at 112 x 56.9 x 12.5 mm, Samsung i900 Omnia is on the hefty side. This is of course mainly in terms of width and height, as the 12.5 mm thickness does sound great to us. In all fairness, it cannot compare to the compact HTC Touch Diamond but the Omnia is still easily pocketable. The weight of 127 grams isn’t much of a feat for a no-keypad device but we guess it’s the price to pay for all the top-notch features on board.
三维尺寸 112 x 56.9 x 12.5 mm ,属于重量级选手,这当然要归公于宽度和高度,但是厚度并不算厚 。公平来说,无法同 htc 的钻石相比,仍然易于携带 。127g 的重量对于无键盘的手机来说似乎中了点,但是我想这是集高端技术于一身所要付出的代价吧 。
Design and construction 设计与结构
Designwise, the Samsung i900 Omnia doesn’t differ that much from most other touchscreen handsets. In fact, there isn’t much room for designer creativity in this class of devices, so the Omnia is understandably similar to its market rivals.
从设计上说 900 和其它的触摸屏幕手机没有太大区别 。实际上,设计者在这一类的手机上没有太多可发挥的余地,所以 900 和其它对手比较象也是可以理解的 。
On the positive side, we do like the finish of the rear, which might not be as unique as the HTC Touch Diamond but looks really classy.
从好的一面来说,我们很喜欢 900 ,虽然不像钻石的设计那么独特,但是非常经典 。
At the top of the front panel of the Samsung i900 Omnia we find the earpiece, the ambient light sensor and the secondary video-call camera. Almost all the rest is the 3.2" touchscreen, which we’ll come back to a little later in our review.
在 900 的上端我们可以找到听筒,光线感应器和视频通话摄像头,其余部分基本就被 3.2 存屏幕所占据,这个屏幕还要在其后的评测中提到 。
The earpiece, the ambient light sensor and the secondary camera are at the top
At the very bottom of the front are the Call and End keys, with the optical joystick amidst. The optical joystick is a nice little control, which is used for thumbing around a virtual mouse cursor in a way identical to Samsung i780 .
底下部位是拨打和挂断键,中间是光学鼠标键 。小巧的光学鼠标和 i780 相似,可以控制屏幕上的可见鼠标箭头 。
The remaining keys on the front panel
The left side of Samsung i900 Omnia sports the lanyard eyelet and the Samsung proprietary USB port. Frankly, we would have preferred the miniUSB variety. Boy, even microUSB could’ve done better, giving the Omnia much greater compatibility. After all, miniUSB cables are extremely popular and microUSB is also quickly catching up.
