揶揄自己 揶揄什么意思


揶揄自己 揶揄什么意思

Word of the Day : June 14, 2021
verb dih-RYDE
1:to laugh at or insult contemptuously
2:to subject to usually bitter or contemptuous ridicule or criticism:to express a lack of respect or approval of
嘲笑通常遭受尖锐的或轻蔑的嘲笑或批评: 表示对…缺乏尊重或赞同
【揶揄自己 揶揄什么意思】Examples
Although derided by classmates for his cocksure insistence that he would be a millionaire by the age of 25, he achieved his goal when his Internet startup went public.
尽管同学们嘲笑他过于自信说他自己会在25岁时成为百万富翁,但当他的互联网公司上市时,他实现了自己的目标 。
"Some will see such efforts as a wise risk-mitigation strategy, as well as a way of appealing to consumers and employees. Others will deride them as a pesky box-ticking exercise." — The Economist, 6 May 2021
有些人会认为,这种努力是一种机制的风险缓和战略表现,也是吸引消费者和雇员的一种方式 。其他人会嘲笑它们是一种讨厌的“打钩练习”(有点类似程序化手续,在英语含义上类似一种问卷调查的感觉在诸多选项框上打钩 。) 。”
Did You Know?
Deride is a combination of the prefix de- ("make lower") and ridēre, a Latin verb meaning "to laugh." Ridēre echoes in other English words as well, some common and some obscure. In the former category we have ridicule and ridiculous. Ridicule functions as both verb ("to make fun of") and noun ("the act of making fun of"), while ridiculous describes what arouses or deserves ridicule or mockery. Obscure ridēre words include arride (it has an obsolete meaning of "to smile or laugh at," and also means "to please, gratify, or delight") and irrision, a synonym of derision, the close noun relation of deride. Also in the category of obscure ridēre words is risorius; this medical term refers to a narrow band of facial muscle fibers that reach to the corners of the mouth to make smiling possible.
Deride是前缀de-(“make lower「使更低」”)和ridēre的组合,ridēre 是一个拉丁语动词,意思是“to laugh「笑」” 。Ridēre 在其他英语单词中也有类似的词,有些常见,有些obscure「晦涩」 。在前一类中,我们有ridicule「嘲笑」和ridiculous「荒谬」 。Ridicule 既可以作为动词(“to make fun of「取笑」”),也可以作为名词(“the act of making fun of「取笑的行为」”),而 ridiculous 描述的是引发嘲笑或值得嘲弄的事 。难以理解的 ridēre 的包括 arride (它的意思是“to smile or laugh at「微笑或嘲笑」”,也有“to please ,gratify,or delight「取悦、满足或高兴」”的意思) 和 irrision,它与derision是同义词,与名词 deride 关系密切 。也同样属于晦涩难懂的ridēre词是risorius 「笑肌」;医学术语指的是窄的面部肌肉纤维,它延伸到嘴角,能完成微笑的 。
Word Family Quiz
Fill in the blanks to complete an adjective derived from Latin ridēre that means "cheerful" or "mirthful": r _ _ n _.
