n. [食品] 奶酪;干酪;要人
vt. 停止
adj. 叛变的;胆小的
I like to a lots of cheese to the pizza.
我很喜欢在披萨上加很多奶酪 。
【cheese的词性转换?】Aing cheese slices to the macaroni can make it more delicious.
在通心粉中加入芝士片可以使它更美味 。
Many moviegoers were cheesed off by the strange plot of this movie.
这部电影的奇怪情节激怒了很多观影者 。
Would you like a piece of cheese with your bread?
I'll have extra cheese on my pizza, please.
披萨我要额外加芝士,谢谢 。
Could you pick up some cheese after work?
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