

GLOBAL - The slowdown in China and the oil price decline have continued to cause unrest on global stock markets, with some indices, including the FTSE, seeing a 20 per cent drop from 2015 peaks.China’s official growth figure released last week dropped to 6.9 per cent, its lowest for three decades.In addition, commodity prices have dropped, with crude oil dipping to $27 a barrel for the first time in nearly 12 years. There has historically been a strong link between oil prices and food prices and we might expect to see the latter fall in the same trend.
【股票市场波动会影响猪肉市场,猪肉对股市的影响】中国的经济放缓和原油下跌持续引起全球股票市场动荡 。通过一些指标,包括英国富时指数(FEST),可以瞧到从2015年巅峰下跌20% 。上周中国官方公开的增长数字下降到6.9%,这是中国三十年以来的最低水平 。另外随着原油价格近12年来首次下跌到每桶27美元,大宗商品价格也在下跌 。历来原油价格和食品价格就有很强的关联,我们也允许以预计食品价格也会有同样的走势 。
