
BELARUS - Belarus has banned pork from Crimea following an outbreak of African Swine Fever.The temporary ban was imposed on 3 February by the Belarus Department of Veterinary and Food Supervision, Ministry of Agriculture, reports Depo.The ban includes live pigs, boar semen, pork (including from wild boar) and products such as leather, horn and hoof and intestinal raw materials and bristle.In addition, a ban is also imposed on feed and feed additives of animal origin.
紧随非洲猪瘟爆发,白俄罗斯已经禁止从克里米亚进口猪肉 。Depo报道,这项暂时禁令是白俄罗斯兽医和食品监督部门二月三日颁布的 。禁令包括活猪,种猪精液,猪肉(包括野猪)和猪肉制品,譬如皮革,猪蹄,肠道原材料和猪鬃 。另外,禁令也包括饲料和动物原料的饲料添加剂 。
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