【中国从巴西进口猪肉 俄罗斯驱动巴西猪肉出口增长】

BRAZIL - There was a strong growth in the volume of pork exported from Brazil during 2015 – up 13 per cent on 2014.There was a drop in exports to Russia in the first quarter of the year. Russian exports were behind expectations during this period, exacerbated by difficulties in the Russian economy, largely driven by the weakening price of crude oil.However, Russia did return to the buying table in the rest of 2015 and there was a large peak in exports during the second half, a year on from the Russian import ban of Western foods, imposed over the situation in Ukraine.
2015年巴西猪肉出口量浮现强劲增长,相比2014年增长了13% 。今年首席季度巴西出口到俄罗斯的猪肉量减少 。在慈缵间,俄罗斯的出口量低于预期,很大程度上因为原油价格疲软,使俄罗斯经济艰难重重 。然而,在2015年剩下的光阴里俄罗斯又归到了主要购买国的位置,在下半年达到了巴西猪肉出口的巅峰 。俄罗斯禁止为期一年从西方进口食品,向乌克兰施压 。
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