【芝加哥商品交易所:从一月数据来看 美国猪肉出口强劲】US - USDA’s Economic Research Service (ERS) this week published their monthly international trade compilation for US livestock and meat, write Steve Meyer and Len Steiner.Those data are for the month of January and for meat ERS converts the raw data reported as “product weight” from the Department of Commerce into an estimated volume based on “carcass weight”.As can been seen in the associated graphics, beef and pork exports are rather seasonal. Overall, many of the year-over-year directional changes recorded in US exports and imports during January are expected to persist for several more months and could for the balance of this year. In January, compared to a year ago, US beef exports were stronger. On a tonnage basis, in January, beef exports posted the first year-over-year increase since September 2014. Pork export tonnage in January was 10.1 per cent above 2015’s. That continued the trend of recent months.
史蒂夫·迈耶(Steve Meyer)和莱恩·施泰纳(Len Steiner)写道,美国农业部(USDA)经济研究所(ERS)这周发布了每月的美国畜牧及肉类国际贸易汇编 。一月的数据是经济研究所(ERS)采用报告里未加工的数据转化而来,例如美国商业部基于胴体分量评估的产品分量数据 。从数据上来看,牛肉和猪肉出口呈现很强的季节性 。集体上,根据记录的美国一月进口与出口年同比方向变幻,预计状态将持续几个月,今年有约摸达到进出口平衡 。与去年一月同期相比,美国牛肉出口也表现强劲 。牛肉出口在吨位上呈现出自2014年9月的首席次年同比增长 。猪肉一月出口吨位比2015年同期多出10.1%,这个趋势将持续几个月 。
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