EU - The European Commission has approved the creation of a joint venture between Avril Ple Animal of France and Tnnies International Holding Gmbh of Germany.APA has activities throughout the oil and protein sectors, including the slaughtering of pigs and the production, marketing and sale of pork products for human and animal consumption.Tnnies is active in the purchasing and slaughtering of pigs and beef cattle, as well as the processing, packaging and sale of meat products.The joint venture will process, package and sell at retail level fresh pork and beef products of French origin for human consumption.
欧盟委员会(EC)已经批准由法国Avril Ple Animal公司与德国Tnnies国际控股股份有限公司一起创建一家合资公司 。Avril Ple Animal公司主要业务贯通油类和蛋白质领域,包括生猪屠宰和生产,销售与人类、动物消费相关的猪肉产品 。Tnnies公司主要活跃在采购、生猪与牛的屠宰业务,也进行加工,包装和肉类产品销售 。合资公司将从事加工、包装、为顾客消费提供零售层面的法国原产清新猪肉和牛肉产品 。
【欧盟委员会批准Avril Ple Animal公司与Tnnies公司合并】
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