

UK - The share of the retail pork price received by producers fell again in February, despite already being at its lowest level in over a decade.Farmgate pig prices continued to fall in February 2016, although the rate of decline has steadied of late, to average 116.66p/kg, the lowest level recorded since March 2008. This was a decline of almost 5p/kg from the previous month.However, over the same period, the average retail price increased by over 1 per cent, leaving it at a similar level to a year earlier. The result of this was that the share of the retail price received by the producer fell again, to 30 per cent, at a time where the percentage share was already at the lowest level seen for over a decade. Compared with the same period last year, the percentage share received by producers has fallen 6 percentage points.
尽管已经处于十年中零售猪肉价格的最低水平,生产商在二月收到的零售猪肉价格份额再次下降 。虽然下降速率已经维持稳定,但是出栏生猪价格仍在2016年二月持续走低,均匀116.66便士/千克 。价格是自2008年以来的最低记录,比上个月减少了5便士/千克 。然而,均匀零售价格比去年同期增长1%,使得价格和去年水平相当 。这个结果使得已经处于十年最低水平的生产商收到的零售猪肉价格份额再次下降30% 。相比去年同期,生产商收到的零售猪肉价格份额下降6% 。
