一加仑是多少升石油 一加仑是多少升( 二 )

【单词】seawater ['see-waw-ter, -wot-er]['si?w?t?] n. 海水
【单词】drinkable ['dring-kuh-buhl]['dr??k?bl] adj. 可饮用的;好喝的
We want the water to flow from area of high concentration (seawater) to area of low concentration (purified water).
【译】我们希望水从高浓度区(海水)流向低浓度区(纯化水) 。
【单词】purified 原型:purify ['pyoor-uh-fahy]['pj??r?fa?] v.
Its like trying to undo putting salt in water.
【译】这就像是想做把盐放在水里的逆向操作 。
【单词】undo [uhn-'doo][?n'du?] v. 解开;松开;取消
This requires energy to do, so call this an active process.
【译】这需要能量,所以可以称之为一个活跃的过程 。
【单词】active ['ak-tiv]['?kt?v] adj. 活跃的;积极的;起作用的;灵活的
We need energy to do this.
【译】我们需要能量来做实现这个过程 。

一加仑是多少升石油 一加仑是多少升

Osmosis: if you have salty water and fresh water separated by a filter, the salty water will suck up more water (from the fresh side) in order to dilute the salt.
【译】渗透作用:如果你有咸水和淡水被一个过滤器分离 , 咸水会吸收更多的水(从淡水一侧) , 以便稀释有盐的咸水 。
【用法】in order to 意为“为了……”,表示目的;在用法和意义上相当于so as to结构,但是in order to结构可以用于句首、句中,而so as to多用于句中 。其否定式分别为:in order not to 和so as not to 。in order to在句中表示目的时 , 常可以转化成in order that 。如:We should work hard in order to pass the exam.=We should work hard in order that we can pass the exam.
【单词】salty ['sawl-tee]['s??lti] adj. 咸的
【单词】fresh [fresh][fre?] adj. 新鲜的;清新的;新近的
【单词】separated 原型:separate ['sep-uh-reyt]['sep?r?t] v. 分开;隔开;区分
【单词】filter ['fil-ter]['f?lt?] n. 过滤器
【单词】suck [suhk][s?k] vt. 啜;吸入;吸收 vi. 吸;吸收
【单词】dilute [dih-'loot, dahy-][da?'lu?t] vt. 稀释;冲淡
Salt, sand, dirt, etc., have a tendency to absorb water.
【译】盐、沙子、泥土等容易吸水 。
【单词】sand [sand][s?nd] n. 沙;沙子
【单词】dirt [durt][d??t] n. 污垢;泥土;灰尘
【单词】etc. [?et'set?r?] et cetra(=and so on) 等等,及其他
【单词】tendency ['ten-duhn-see]['tend?nsi] n. 趋势;倾向;秉性
【单词】absorb [ab-'sawrb, -'zawrb][?b's??b] vt. 吸收;吞并;承受
Reverse Osmosis is when you have salty water, or water with sand, dirt, impurities in it, but you apply pressure to force the water OUT through the filter, and purify it despite the fact that salt, dirt, etc. want to absorb water not release it.
【译】反渗透是指当你有咸水,或水中含有沙子、污垢、杂质,但你施加压力迫使水通过过滤器排出,并净化它,尽管实际上,盐、污垢等想要吸收水而不是释放它 。
【单词】impurities 原型:impurity [im-'pyoor-i-tee][?m'pj??r?ti] n. 不纯;杂质
【单词】apply [uh-'plahy][?'pla?] vt. 应用;涂
【单词】purify ['pyoor-uh-fahy]['pj??r?fa?] v. 精华
【单词】release [ri-'lees][r?'li?s] n. 释放
The pressure forces the water out, kinda like squeezing a wet towel or wet sand etc.
【译】压力迫使水流出,有点像挤湿毛巾或湿沙子等 。
【单词】squeezing 原型:squeeze [skweez][skwi?z] v. 挤压;塞进;压榨;设法腾出
【单词】towel ['tou-uh?l, toul]['ta??l] n. 毛巾;手巾
