一加仑是多少升石油 一加仑是多少升( 四 )

【单词】traces 原型:trace [treys][tre?s] n. 痕迹;微量;踪迹
What about a plant?
【单词】plant [plant, plahnt][plɑ?nt] n. 植物
Is it possible to just wash away all the soil nutrients in a potted plant by using RO water, since the water will not come from the ground and thus will contain no calcium, phosphorus, or nitrogen?
【译】有没有可能用反渗透水把盆栽植物里所有的土壤养分都冲走 , 因为水不会从地里出来,因此不含钙、磷或氮吗?
【单词】soil [soil][s??l] n. 土地;土壤;污物,粪便 v. 弄污
【单词】nutrients 原型:nutrient ['noo-tree-uhnt, 'nyoo-]['nju?tri?nt] n. 营养物;营养品
【单词】potted 原型:pot [pot][p?t] n. 罐;壶 , 盆
【单词】ground [ground][ɡra?nd] n. 地面;地方
【单词】contain [kuhn-'teyn][k?n'te?n] vt. 容纳;包含;抑制;克制 vi. 自制
【单词】phosphorus ['fos-fer-uhs]['f?sf?r?s] n. 磷
【单词】nitrogen ['nahy-truh-juhn]['na?tr?d??n] n. 氮
In this instance, it seems comical to use RO water over ground water from a hose for plant watering, and then bring back the nutrients with a bottle of NPK mix, kind of like bleaching bread white and then bringing back the nutritional value with vitamin enriching.
【译】在这种情况下,用反渗透水代替软管中的地下水浇灌植物,然后用一瓶NPK混合物把营养物质带回来 , 就像把面包漂白成白色,然后用富含维生素的方法恢复营养价值 。
【单词】comical ['kom-i-kuhl]['k?m?kl] adj. 好笑的
【单词】hose [hohz][h??z] n. 水管;橡皮软管
【单词】bottle ['bot-l]['b?tl] n. 瓶子
【单词】mix [miks][m?ks] v. 混合;掺入;合成;联系;融合;介入
【单词】bleaching 原型:bleach [bleech][bli?t?] v. 变白;漂白
【单词】bread [bred][bred] n. 面包
【单词】nutritional [noo-'trish-uhn, nyoo-][nju'tr???nl] adj. 营养的;滋养的
【单词】vitamin ['vahy-tuh-min; British also 'vit-uh-min]['v?t?m?n] n. 维生素
【单词】enriching 原型:enrich [en-'rich][?n'r?t?] vt. 使富足;使肥沃;使丰富
【专有名词】NPK NPK =Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium 氮磷钾肥
No, water is water.
【译】不,水就是水 。
On submarines, US Navy personnel drink RO filtered water for months without problems.
【译】在潜艇上,美国海军人员饮用反渗透过滤水几个月没有问题 。
【单词】submarines 原型:submarine [suhb-muh-'reen][?s?bm?'ri?n] n. 潜水艇 adj. 海面下的
【单词】personnel [pur-suh-'nel][?p??s?'nel] n. 职员;人事部门
【专有名词】US Navy 美国海军
To get the mineral equivalent of one multivitamin you need to drink 600 gallons of mineral water.
【译】要获得相当于一片复合维生素的矿物质,你需要喝600加仑的矿泉水 。
【单词】mineral ['min-er-uhl, 'min-ruhl]['m?n?r?l] n. 矿物
【单词】equivalent [ih-'kwiv-uh-luh?nt][?'kw?v?l?nt] adj. 等价的 相等的 n. 相等物
【单词】multivitamin [muhl-ti-'vahy-tuh-min][?m?lti'v?t?m?n] n. 多种维他命剂
【单词】gallons 原型:gallon ['gal-uhn]['ɡ?l?n] n. 加仑(容量单位),一加仑约为3.8升
The amount of minerals in that expensive perrier is miniscule and hardly even worth noting compared to the minerals you get from food.
【译】与你从食物中获得的矿物质相比,昂贵的巴黎水的矿物质含量微乎其微,甚至不值得一提 。
【单词】minerals 原型:mineral ['min-er-uhl, 'min-ruhl]['m?n?r?l] n. 矿物
【单词】expensive [ik-'spen-siv][?k'spens?v] adj. 昂贵的;高价的
