each怎么读音发音 each怎么读

When You Are Old 当你老了——By W. B. Yeats 威廉·巴特勒·叶芝

each怎么读音发音 each怎么读

文章详解When you are old and grey and full of sleep,
当你老了,头发花白 , 睡意沉沉,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
倦坐在炉边,取下这本书来 , 
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;
How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face;
And bending down beside the glowing bars,
在炉罩边低眉弯腰 , 
Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
单词详解nod [nɑ?d]
v. 点头;打盹
【each怎么读音发音 each怎么读】例:He looked around for support and everyone nodded.
他环顾四周寻求支持,每个人都点了点头 。
shadow [???do?]
n. 影子;阴影
例:The children were having fun, chasing each other’s shadows.
孩子们追逐着彼此的影子,玩得很开心 。
grace [ɡre?s]
n. 优美;优雅
例:He conducted himself with grace and dignity throughout the trial.
在整个审判过程中,他都举止优雅而有尊严 。
pilgrim [?p?lɡr?m]
n. 朝圣者
例:We should recognize our status as mere pilgrims in this world.
我们应该承认我们在这个世界上仅仅是朝圣者的身份 。
soul [so?l]
n. 灵魂;心灵
例:It was a very polished performance, but it lacked soul.
这是一场非常精彩的演出 , 但缺少灵魂 。
sorrow [?sɑ?ro?]
n. 悲伤;悲痛
例:He expressed his sorrow at the news of her death.
他对她的死讯表示悲痛 。
glowing [?ɡlo???]
adj. 灼热的;热情的
例:He spoke of her performance in the film in glowing terms.
他热情洋溢地谈到她在电影中的表现 。
murmur [?m??rm?r]
v. 低语,轻轻地说
例:The voice murmured something and the door to their right opened.
那声音喃喃地说着什么,他们右边的门开了 。
flee [fli?]
v. 逃走;消失
例:The driver had already fled the scene of the accident.
司机已经逃离事故现场 。
amid [??m?d]
prep. 在其间;在其中
例:He finished his speech amid tremendous applause.
他在热烈的掌声中结束了演讲 。
