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科学家们投票提议,地球进入全新地质时代“人类世” 。如果通过,历史书或将改写 。
据英国著名科学杂志《自然》杂志21日报道 , 一组科学家投票选出了一个新的地质时代——人类世 。
A panel of scientists voted this week to designate a new geologic epoch — the Anthropocene — to mark the profound ways in which humans have altered the planet. That decision, by the 34-member Anthropocene Working Group (AWG), marks an important step towards formally defining a new slice of the geologic record — an idea that has generated intense debate within the scientific community over the past few years.
一组科学家投票选出了一个新的地质时代——人类世,以标志人类对地球做出的深刻改变 。由34名成员组成的人类世工作组(AWG)做出的这一决定,标志了朝着对地质记录新片段的正式定义迈出了重要一步——过去几年,这一想法在科学界引发了激烈的辩论 。
The panel plans to submit a formal proposal for the new epoch by 2021 to the International Commission on Stratigraphy, which oversees the official geologic time chart.
该小组计划在2021年之前向国际地层学委员会提交一份关于新纪元的正式提案 。该委员会负责制订标准的地质时间表 。
Twenty-nine members of the AWG supported the Anthropocene designation and voted in favour of starting the new epoch in the mid-twentieth century, when a rapidly rising human population accelerated the pace of industrial production, the use of agricultural chemicals and other human activities. At the same time, the first atomic-bomb blasts littered the globe with radioactive debris that became embedded in sediments and glacial ice, becoming part of the geologic record.
AWG的29位成员支持人类世的定义 , 并投票赞成新纪元始于20世纪中期,当时迅速增长的人口加快了工业生产、农用化学品的使用和其他人类活动的步伐 。与此同时,第一次原子弹爆炸使地球上散落着放射性碎片,这些碎片嵌入沉积物和冰川冰中,成为地质记录的一部分 。
Anthropocene now: influential panel votes to recognize Earth’s new epoch (via Nature)
地质年代(Geological Time)是指地壳上不同时期的岩石和地层在形成过程中的时间(年龄)和顺序 。时间表述单位:宙、代、纪、世、期、时;地层表述单位:宇、界、系、统、阶、带 。
如果提案通过 , 现在应该是显生宙 新生代 第四纪 人类世了!

新地质时代(如图底部所示),意为人类时代,是由诺贝尔奖得主大气化学家Paul Crutzen在15年前提出的,从那时起这个想法就开始流行起来(图 via DailyMail)
什么是“ANTHROPOCENE” (“人类世”)?
The Anthropocene is the name of a proposed geological epoch that may soon enter the official Geologic Time Scale.
人类世(Anthropocene)是一个拟议的地质时代的名称,可能很快就会进入正式的地质时代表 。
It refers to a time in which human permanently changed the planet.
它指的是人类永久改变地球的时期 。
According to the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS), we are officially in the Holocene epoch, which began 11,700 years ago after the last major ice age.
