英语音标48个发音教学视频 goes怎么读( 三 )

As the saying goes, it is easier to promise than to carry it out .
正如俗话所说,“许诺容易践诺难 。”
keep a promise 遵守诺言
He never keeps his promise. Don’t believe him. 他从来不遵守诺言 。不要相信他 。
break a promise 不守诺言,违背诺言
You shouldn’t break your promise.We all think you are a good boy. 你不该违背诺言 。我们都信为你是个好孩子 。
pronounce [pr??na?ns] vt 发音
pronunciation [pr?n?ns??e??(?)n] n. 发音
proper [?pr?p?(r)] a. 恰当的,合适的
at proper time 在适当的时间
protect [pr??tekt] vt 保护
proud [pra?d] a. 自豪的;骄傲的
be proud of 为……而骄傲(自豪)常用于褒义 。
We’re proud of our motherland. 我们为祖国而自豪 。
be proud about 为……而骄傲(自豪),常用于贬义 。
We’re nothing to be proud about. 我们没有什么值得骄傲的 。
provide [pr??va?d] vt 提供
provide sb with sth. 提供某人某物
provide sth for sb. 提供某人某物
She provides education for her son by working in a factory.
她靠在工厂工作来供儿子的教育 。
public [?p?bl?k] a.n. 公共的;公众的;公众
in public 在公共场合
the public 大众
pull [p?l] v.n. 拉 , 拖;拉力,引力
punish [?p?n??] vt 惩罚;处罚
pupil [?pju?p?l] n. (小)学生
purple [?p??p(?)l] n.a. 紫色;紫色的
purpose [p??p?s] n. 目的 , 目标
on purpose 故意地
push [p??] n.&v. 推
put(put, put) [p?t] v. 放,摆
put away 收起来,放好
You’d better put away your things. 你最好把东西放置好 。
put on 穿上,戴
He put on his coat and went out. 他穿上外套,出去了 。
put into 把……译成……
Can you put the story into Chinese. 你能把这个故事译成中文吗?
put off 推迟,拖延
We’ll have to put off the meting till Friday. 我们不得不把会议推迟到周五 。
put up 建造;举起;供给…住宿;张贴
Put up the map on the wall,please. 请把地图贴在墙上 。
There’s too much money being wasted, and it’s time we put a stop to it.
浪费了太多钱了,是时候阻止浪费了 。
quarter [?kw??t?(r)] n. 四分之一;
question[?kwest?(?)n] n. 问题
beside the question 离题
out of the question 没问题 , 毫无疑问
out of the question 不可能的,办不到的
without question 毫无疑问
quick[kw?k] a.ad. 快的,敏捷的;快地 , 敏捷地
quiet[?kwa??t] a. 安静的,寂静的
quite [kwa?t] ad. 完全,十分
rabbit [?r?b?t] n. 兔,家兔
race[re?s] n. 种族,民族;赛跑,竞赛
relay race 接力赛
a race against time 和时间赛跑
race against/with sb 和某人赛跑
radio [re?d???] n. 无线电,收音机
on the radio/by radio 通过无线电
railway[?re?lwe?] n. 铁路;铁道
rain [re?n] n.vi. 雨 , 雨水;下雨
rain out 因雨而中断
The game was rained out.比赛因雨暂停举行 。
相关词汇: raincoat 雨衣
rainbow 彩虹
rainfall 降雨量
rainless 无雨天
rainy[?re?n?] a. 下雨的;多雨的
raise [re?z] vt. 使升高;饲养
raise one’s eyes 举目观看
raise one’s voice against sb/sth坚决的发言反对某人或某事物
rapid[?r?p?d] a. 快的,迅速的
reach [ri?t?] v. 到达 , 伸手(脚等)够到
get to/arrive in/arrive at 到达
reach one’s hand 伸手
with easy reach of 在容易达到……的地方;在……的附近
read(read, read) [ri?d] v. 读;朗读
He was reading silently to himself. 他正在默读 。
