英语音标48个发音教学视频 goes怎么读

英语音标48个发音教学视频 goes怎么读

Pacific [p??s?f?k] a. 太平洋的
page [pe?d?] n. 页,页码
pain [pe?n] n. 疼痛,努力
paint [pe?nt] n. 油漆
pair [pe?(r)] n. 一双 , 一对
a pair of 一对/一双/一副……
palace [?p?l?s] n. 宫,宫殿
pale [pe?l] a. 苍白的;灰白的
pancake [?p?nke?k] n. 薄煎饼
panda [?p?nd?] n. 熊猫
paper [?pe?p?(r)] n. 纸;报纸
pardon [?pɑ?d(?)n] n. 原谅,宽恕 , 对不起
parent [?pe?r?nt] n. 父(母),双亲
park [pɑ?k] n. 公园;vt. 停放(汽车)
part [pɑ?t] n. 部分;成分;角色;部件;零件
take part in… 参加……
Shall we take part in the meeting ? 我们可以参加会议吗?
take the part of 支持……
Most of the women took the part of Martin Brown. 绝大多数妇女支持马丁·布朗 。
part-time adj. 兼职的;部分时间的 adv. 兼职地;用部分时间地
party [?pɑ?t?] n. 聚会,晚会;党派
pass [pɑ?s; (US) p?s] vt. 传,递;经过;通过
pass the message to sb. 传递信息给某人
pass on 传递
pass sb. sth. =pass sth. to sb. 传递某人某物
passage [?p?s?d?] n. 一节;一段;地道;走廊
passenger [?p?s?nd??(r)] n. 乘客 , 旅客
passport[?pɑ?sp??t; (US) ?p?sp??t] n. 护照
past [pɑ?st; (US) p?st] ad.n.prep. 过;过去 , 昔日,往事;过……,走过某处
patient [?pe??(?)nt] n.a. 病人;耐心的
pay(paid, paid) [?pe??(?)nt] v. 付钱,给……报酬
I paid twenty yuan for the dictionary.
我花了20元买这本字典 。
pay for 付给,支付
pay a visit (to) 访问
When can they pay a visit to the headmaster?
pay attention to 注意
Why didn’t you pay attention to the question mark? 你为什么不注意问号呢?
PE(=P.E./physical education) n. 体育
peace [pi?s] n. 和平
pear[pe?(r)] n. 梨子,梨树
pen [pen] n. 钢笔,笔
pencil [?pens(?)l] n. 铅笔
people [?pi?p(?)l] n. 人,人们;人民
perfect [?p?:f?kt] a. 完美的,及好的
perhaps [p??h?ps] ad. 可能,或许
period[?p??r??d] n. 定期,时代
person [?p??s(?)n] n. 人
personal [?p??s?n(?)l] a. 个人的 , 私人的
pet[pet] n. 宠物,爱畜
phone =telephone [f??n] v.n. 打电话;电话 , 电话机
photo=photograph [?f??t??] n. 照片
physics [?f?z?ks] n. 物理(学)
pick [p?k] v. 拾起,采集;挑选
pick up 捡起;接;收拾;不费力地学会
There is a pen on the floor. Let me pick it up. 地上有支笔,我来捡 。
picnic [?p?kn?k] n. 野餐
picture [?p?kt??(r)] n. 图片,画片,照片
pie [pa?] n. 甜馅饼
piece [p?s] n. 一块(片,张,件……)
pig [p?g] n. 猪
pilot [?pa?l?t] n. 飞行员
pink [p??k] a. 粉红色的
pioneer [pa???n??(r)] n. 先锋 , 开拓者
pity [?p?t?] n. 怜悯,同情
feel pity for 同情……
I felt pity for the poor man. 我同情这个可怜的男人 。
What a pity ! 真遗憾!
It’s a pity that you can’t come to our party. 真遗憾你不能来参加我们的聚会 。
place [ple?s] n.v. 地方,处所;放置 , 安置,安排
take place 发生
The football match took place last night.
足球比赛在昨晚进行 。
take the place of 取代……
Who can take the place of him when he is out?
places of interest 名胜,景区
We have visited many places of interest in China.
