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dairyproducts怎么读 products怎么读

Most countries in the world seem to be in debt.
【译】世界上大多数国家似乎都负债累累 。
【短语】in debt 表示“负债;欠情” 。如:Bad management will land the company in debt.经营不善会使公司负债 。
【单词】debt [det][det] n. 债务;恩情;负债状态
Who exactly do they owe?
【单词】exactly [ig-'zakt-lee][?ɡ'z?ktli] adv. 精确地;确切地
【单词】owe [oh][??] vt. 欠(债;钱;人情等)
Are there any consequences for them being in debt?
【单词】consequence ['kon-si-kwens, -kwuhns]['k?ns?kw?ns] n. 结果;后果;影响
They owe regular people mostly.
【译】它们大多数是欠普通人民的债 。
【单词】regular ['reg-yuh-ler]['reɡj?l?] adj. 正常的,一般的
【单词】mostly ['mohst-lee]['m??stli] adv. 主要地;通常
The vast majority of US debt, for example, is owned by American citizens in the form of government bonds.
【译】例如,绝大多数美国债务是以政府债券的形式由美国公民购买并持有的 。
【短语】for example 例如;例句:You can buy fruit here – oranges and bananas, for example. 你可以在这里买水果,例如买柑橘和香蕉 。
【单词】vast [vast, vahst][vɑ?st] adj. 巨大的;广阔的
【单词】citizens 原型:citizen ['sit-uh-zuh?n, -suh?n]['s?t?zn] n. 公民
【单词】bonds 原型:bond [bond][b?nd] n. 债券
【专有名词】US 美国
It makes more sense if you recognize it's not the country, but the government that's in debt.
【译】如果你认识到负债的不是国家,而是政府,那就更好理解了 。
【单词】recognize ['rek-uhg-nahyz]['rek?ɡna?z] vt. 承认;意识到;识别
Just like a company can borrow from banks or private investors, the government can borrow from people or other countries (in the form of government bonds).
【译】就像公司可以向银行或私人投资者借款一样,政府也可以向人民或其他国家借款(以政府债券的形式) 。
【单词】borrow ['bor-oh, 'bawr-oh]['b?r??] v. 借
【译】等一等 。
If Italy owes Spain $27B and Spain owes Italy $48B, why can't Spain just owe Italy $21B and Italy not owe Spain a dime?
【单词】$ 美元符号 dollar sign,美元
【单词】dime [dahym][da?m] n. 一角硬币
【专有名词】Italy 地名 ['it-l-ee]['?t?li] n. 意大利
【专有名词】Spain 地名 [speyn][spe?n] n. 西班牙(西南欧一国家,全称为the Kingdom of Spain,首都为Madrid)
【专有名词】27B和48B 中的B指billion,即10亿 , 27B即270亿
dairyproducts怎么读 products怎么读

Because it's each others citizens/businesses investing in each other's countries.
