【译】因为这是彼此的公民或企业在对方的国家投资 。
【单词】investing 原型:invest [in-'vest][?n'vest] v. 投资;投入
It's constantly going in and out, not just a big bill you owe each other.
【译】它不断地(有相互的)买进卖出,而不仅仅是一方欠另一方的一大笔钱 。
【短语】each other 彼此,互相;例句:Twins look the same as each other. 双胞胎看上去长得一样 。
【单词】constantly ['kon-stuhnt]['k?nst?ntli] adv. 不断地;经常地
It's hundreds of thousands of entities investing in each other's government bonds, with bonds being paid out and sold every day.
【译】它是成千上万的实体相互投资于对方的政府债券,债券每天都被支付(购买)和出售 。
【单词】entities 原型:entity ['en-ti-tee]['ent?ti] n. 实体
【单词】sold 原型:sell [sel][sel] v. 出售;卖
It's a market.
When governments want money they can either tax their citizens or borrow from them.
【译】当政府需要钱时,他们可以向公民征税,也可以向公民借款 。
Much like how a business can sell products or borrow from investors.
【译】很像一个企业如何销售产品或向投资者借款(融资) 。
【单词】sell [sel][sel] v. 出售;卖
How much to tax, how much to borrow and how much to spend is very complicated, and depends a lot on the personal preferences of the government and its citizens.
【译】征多少税、借多少款、花多少资金 , 都是非常复杂的事情,很大程度上取决于政府和公民的喜好 。
【单词】spend [spend][spend] v. 花费;耗费
【单词】complicated 原型:complicate ['kom-pli-keyt]['k?mpl?ke?t] v. 使复杂化;使起纠纷
【单词】depends 原型:depend [dih-'pend][d?'pend] vi. 依赖;依靠;取决于
【单词】preference ['pref-er-uhns]['prefr?ns] n. 偏爱;优先;喜爱物;优惠
So, short answer is the government borrows from the people who live there and spend that money on the people who live there.
【译】所以,简而言之 , 政府向居民借款,然后把钱花在居民身上 。
Consequence can be great, or crap, depending on what the money is spent on, and how willing everyone is to repay the debts.
【译】(借款带来的)后果可能影响很大,也可能毫无影响,这取决于钱花在了什么上 , 以及每个人偿还债务的意愿 。
【单词】Consequence 原型:consequence ['kon-si-kwens, -kwuhns]['k?ns?kw?ns] n. 结果;后果;重要性;影响
【单词】crap [krap][kr?p] n. <俚>废话;质量差的东西;垃圾
【单词】willing ['wil-ing]['w?l??] adj. 愿意的;心甘情愿的
【单词】repay [ri-'pey][r?'pe?] v. 偿还;报答;还钱给
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