今天的英语怎么读音发音英文 今天的英语怎么读

Date: February 22th,2023
Fools learn nothing from wise men, but wise men learn much from fools.
傻瓜从聪明人身上得来甚少,而聪明人从傻瓜身上学来甚多 。
Please move into centre of the train compartment after boarding and prepare to exit before you arrive at your station. Thank you for your cooperation.
【今天的英语怎么读音发音英文 今天的英语怎么读】上车后请尽量往里走,并在抵达车站前准备下车 。谢谢您的合作 。
Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.
谚语:实践是检验真理的唯一标准 。
做你没有做过的事,叫成长 。做你不愿意做的事,叫突破 。
