library的复数 library的复数形式

library的复数 library的复数形式

大家好 , 我是sweet老师,可数名词的复数形式多种多样,究竟应该选择哪一个呢?这些例子为大家总结了用法,涵盖了小学阶大部分单词,希望能对大家有所帮助 。

(1) 一般在名词词尾加“s”
如:teacher—teachers egg---eggs
(2) 以s, x, sh, ch结尾的名词加es
如class---classes box-- boxes bus --buses watch--watches
(3) 以辅音字母+y 的名词变y为i再加es
如:story---stories library---libraries,
dictionary----dictionaries hobby---hobbies
(4) 以f, fe 结尾的名词,变f, fe为v加es
如:life ---lives leaf ---leaves half---halves
knife---knives wolf-wolves wife---wives
(5) 以o结尾的名词“英雄芒果土豆西红柿”加es
hero---heroesmango--- mangoes
potato--- potatoes tomato--- tomatoes
其余加s(目前所学的词) zoo---zoos kilo---kilos
radio—radios photo--- photos piano-- pianos
如: child — children woman --- women
man ---men foot---feet tooth---teeth
有的可数名词单、复数形式相同,如 Japanese,Chinese , sheep,
如: I have one sheep. He has two sheep.
不可数名词有:(1)milk, water, juice, tea, ice;
(2) food, rice, meat, fish, chicken, bread, cheese
(3) paper, newspaper , hair, time, money, homework, housework
two bottles of milk a cup of juice half a kilo of cheese
【library的复数 library的复数形式】 a bag of rice three kilos of meat some water
