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clap怎么读音发音 clap怎么读

Grandfather's story!爷爷的故事!一.单词精选knee 英[ni?] 美[ni?]膝 膝盖
grandfather 英[?ɡr?nfɑ?e?(r)] 美[?ɡr?nfɑ?e?r]
祖父 爷爷 外公
strange 英[stre?nd?] 美[stre?nd?] 奇怪的 陌生的
bright 英[bra?t] 美[bra?t]明亮的
garden 英[?ɡɑ?dn] 美[?ɡɑ?rdn] 园圃 花园
underneath 英[??nd??ni?θ] 美[??nd?r?ni?θ] 在…底下
fig 英[f?ɡ] 美[f?ɡ] 无花果
leaf 英[li?f] 美[li?f] 叶子 叶片
green 英[ɡri?n] 美[ɡri?n] 绿色的
fresh 英[fre?] 美[fre?] 新鲜的
look up 英['l?k?p] 美['l?k??p] 向上看
ripe 英[ra?p] 美[ra?p] 成熟的
purple 英[?p??pl] 美[?p??rpl] 紫色的
head 英[hed] 美[hed]头 头部
bird 英[b??d] 美[b??rd] 鸟
clap 英[kl?p] 美[kl?p] 鼓掌 拍手
trout 英[tra?t] 美[tra?t]鲑 鲑鳟鱼
in fun 英[?n f?n]美[?n f?n] 开玩笑
truth 英[tru?θ] 美[tru?θ] 真相
surprised 英[s??pra?zd] 美[s?r?pra?zd]
惊奇的 惊讶的
fall 英[f??l] 美[f??l]落下 下落
fishhawk 鱼鹰
fly 英[fla?] 美[fla?]飞 飞翔
eagle 英[?i?ɡl] 美[?i?ɡl] 雕 鹰
catch 英[k??t] 美[k??t]接住 截住
carry 英[?k?ri] 美[?k?ri] 拿 提 搬
nest 英[nest] 美[nest] 巢 窝
drop 英[dr?p] 美[drɑ?p]落下 掉下
fight 英[fa?t] 美[fa?t] 打仗 战斗
二.文章及译文"Come and sit by my knee, Jane, and grandfather will tell you a strange story.
“过来坐在我的膝盖旁,简,爷爷给你讲一个奇怪的故事 。
"One bright Summer day, I was in a garden in a city, with a friend. "
“一个晴朗的夏日,我和一个朋友在一座城市的花园里 。”
We rested underneath a fig tree. The broad leaves were green and fresh.
我们在一棵无花果树下休息 。宽阔的叶子又绿又新鲜 。
"We looked up at the ripe, purple figs. And what do you think came down through the branches of the fig tree over our heads?"
我们抬头看着那熟了的紫色无花果 。你看,你觉得如果有东西从我们头上的无花果树上掉下来,会是什么?
"Oh, a bird, grandfather, a bird!" said little Jane, clapping her hands.
“哦,一只鸟,爷爷,一只鸟!”小简拍着手说 。
"No, not a bird. It was a fish; a trout, my little girl."
“不,不是鸟 。那是一条鱼,一条鳟鱼,我的小姑娘 。”
"Not a fish, grandfather ! A trout come through the branches of a tree in the city? I am sure you must be in fun."
“不是鱼,爷爷!一条鳟鱼从城里的树枝上掉下来?我相信你一定是在开玩笑 。”
"No, Jane, I tell you the truth.
“不,简 , 我来告诉你真相 。
My friend and I were very much surprisedto see a fish falling from a fig tree.
我和我的朋友看到一条鱼从无花果树上掉下来 , 非常惊讶 。
"But we ran from under the tree, and saw a fishhawkflying, and an eagle after him.
“我们从树下跑过去 , 看见一只鱼鹰在飞,还有一只老鹰在追他 。
"The hawk had caught the fish, and was carrying it home to his nest, when the eagle saw it and wanted it.
“鱼鹰抓住了鱼,正把它带回自己的窝里,这时老鹰看见了鱼,也想要它 。
"They fought for it. The fish was dropped, and they both lost it. So much for fighting!"
【clap怎么读音发音 clap怎么读】“他们为这条鱼打了起来 。鱼掉下来了,他们都没得到 。争斗才由此停止!”
