opera house怎么读 opera怎么读( 二 )

port [p??t] n.港口;港口城市
quay [ki?] n.码头
river [?r?v?(r)] n.河流
sail [se?l] n.帆
sailing [?se?l??] n.帆船运动
go sailing 进行帆船运动
sailor [?se?l?(r)] n.水手;海员;驾船人
sand [s?nd] n. 沙
sea [si?] n. 海洋;海
seaside [?si?sa?d] n. 海边;海滨
at the seaside 在海边
seaweed [?si?wi?d] n.海草;海藻
shell [?el] n.贝壳
ship [??p] n. 船
We swam in the river.我们在河里游泳 。
I live by the sea. 我住在海边 。
Ayr is a seaside town on the west coast of Scotland.
艾尔是苏格兰西海岸的一个海滨城市 。
We spent a day at the seaside.
我们在海边玩了一天 。

opera house怎么读 opera怎么读

shore [???(r)] n. 岸,滨
speedboat [?spi?db??t] n. 快艇
stream [stri?m] n. 小河,溪
submarine [?s?bm??ri?n] n.潜水艇
surfboard [?s??fb??d] n.冲浪板
swimmer [?sw?m?(r)] n.游泳者
swimming [?sw?m??] n.游泳
go swimming去游泳
tide [ta?d] n.潮,潮汐
at low/high tide低/高潮
voyage [?v???d?] n.航行
water [?w??t?(r)] n. 水
wave [we?v] n. 海浪,波浪;波涛
yacht [j?t] n.游艇;快艇
We walked along the shore. 我们沿着海岸散步 。
I’m going to buy a surfboard and learn to surf.
我要去买一块冲浪板,学习冲浪 。
Waves crashed against the rocks.
海浪击打着岩石 , 发出巨大的响声 。
They began the long voyage down the river.
他们开始了顺流而下的漫长旅行 。
opera house怎么读 opera怎么读

二 、动词(Verbs)board [b??d] v. 上船
dive [da?v] v. 跳水;潜水
drown [dra?n] v. 淹没;溺死
float [fl??t] v. 漂?。桓?
launch [l??nt?] v. 使船下水
navigate [?n?v?ɡe?t] v. 导航
row [r??] v. 划船
sail [se?l] v. 航行
sink [s??k] v. 下沉;沉没
steer [st??(r)] v. 驾驶
surf [s??f] v. 冲浪
swim [sw?m] v. 游泳
We went diving to look at fish. 我们潜水去看鱼 。
Rubbish floated on the surface of the river.
垃圾漂在河面上 。
The Titanic was launched in1911.
泰坦尼克号于 1911 年首航 。
We sailed across the bay. 我们驾船驶过了海湾 。
The boat hit the rocks and began to sink.
船撞到了岩石,开始下沉 。
Do you like swimming?你喜欢游泳吗?
opera house怎么读 opera怎么读

三、形容词(Adjectives)calm [kɑ?m] adj.风平浪静的
costal [?k?stl] adj. 沿海的;靠近海岸的
marine [m??ri?n] adj. 海的;海产的
marine animals海洋动物
rough [r?f] adj. 汹涌的;风浪很大的
sandy [?s?ndi] adj. 铺满沙子的
seasick [?si?s?k] adj. 晕船的
Coastal areas were flooded.
靠近海岸的地区被洪水淹没了 。
Do you get seasick?你晕船吗?
【opera house怎么读 opera怎么读】
