opera house怎么读 opera怎么读

100个最常用的船(boats)、水(water)和海岸(coast)类英语单词,按词性归纳总结 。七大洲、四大洋、渔民、 帆船、港口、地平线、鹅卵石等英文表达 , 你都知道吗?去海边旅行乘船游玩儿,写作口语交流、四六级、考研、雅思等英语考试都用得上,快收藏学习 。零基础学英语,分类记单词省时省力,让你的用词更自然更到位 。
本文文章结构,分为3部分:1.船、水和海岸——常用名词;2.船、水和海岸——常用动词;3船、水和海岸——常用形容词 。(文章3000多字 , 阅读时间10分钟左右 。)

opera house怎么读 opera怎么读

一、名词(Nouns)anchor [???k?(r)] n. 锚
bank [b??k] n. 河岸
bay [be?] n.海湾
beach [bi?t?] n. 沙滩,海滩
at the beach 在沙滩上
boat [b??t] n. 船
a fishing boat 渔船
a rowing boat 划艇
a sailing boat 帆船
a motor boat 汽艇
bridge [br?d?] n. 桥
cabin [?k?b?n] n. 船舱
canal [k??n?l] n. 运河
canoe [k??nu?] n. 皮划艇,独木舟
captain [?k?pt?n] n. 船长
cargo [?kɑ?ɡ??] n. 货物
cliff [kl?f] n. 悬崖,峭壁
coast [k??st] n. 海岸
cruise [kru?z] n. 乘船度假
current [?k?r?nt] n. 水流
a strong current 急流
The bay is surrounded by steep cliffs.
海湾的四周是悬崖峭壁 。
We walked along the beach.
我们沿着沙滩散步 。
We went there by boat.我们坐船到那里 。
The ship was carrying a cargo of bananas.
船上装满了香蕉 。
We drove along the coast.
我们沿着海岸开车 。
James and his wife went on a cruise around the world.
詹姆士和他妻子乘坐游轮周游世界 。
The couple were swept away by a strong current.
一对夫妇被急流冲走了 。
opera house怎么读 opera怎么读

deck [dek] n. 甲板
dock [d?k] n. 码头
ferry [?feri] n.渡船;摆渡
fisherman [?f???m?n] n.渔民
harbour [?hɑ:b?(r)] n.港口
horizon [h??ra?zn] n.地平线
on the horizon 地平线上
island [?a?l?nd] n. 岛
jet ski [d?et, ski?] n.喷气式滑艇
kayak [?ka??k] n.独木舟,皮艇
lake [le?k] n.湖
lifebelt [?la?fbelt] n.救生圈
lifeboat [?la?fb??t] n.救生船;救生艇
lifeguard [?la?fɡɑ?d] n.救生员
lighthouse [?la?tha?s] n. 灯塔
mouth [ma?θ] n.入海口
navy [?ne?vi] n.海军
oar [??(r)] n.船桨;桨
ocean [????n] n.洋
Atlantic Ocean [?t?l?nt?k ???n] n. 大西洋
Pacific Ocean [p??s?f?k ???n] n. 太平洋
Indian Ocean [??ndi?n ???n] n.印度洋
Arctic Ocean [?ɑ?kt?k ???n] n.北冰洋
Southern Ocean [Southern ???n] n.南冰洋
Asia [?e???; ?e???] n.亚洲
Europe [?j??r?p] n.欧洲
Africa [??fr?k?] n.非洲
Oceania [???si?ɑ?ni?] n. 大洋洲
North America [n?:θ ??mer?k?] n.北美洲
South America [sa?θ ? ?mer?k?] n.南美洲
Antarctica [?n?tɑ?kt?k?] n.南极洲
We went on a luxury ship with five passenger decks.
我们乘坐一艘豪华游轮,有5层游客甲板 。
The next ferry departs at 7 o’clock.
下一班摆渡船 7点钟出发 。
The fishing boats left the harbour.
渔船离开了海港 。
A small boat appeared on the horizon.
地平线上出现了一艘小船 。
Her son was in the Navy. 她的儿子是海军 。
opera house怎么读 opera怎么读

paddle [?p?dl] n. 划桨 , 桨
pebble [?pebl] n.鹅卵石;砾石
pond [p?nd] n. 池塘
