bounght gifts英语怎么读 gifts英语怎么读

bounght gifts英语怎么读 gifts英语怎么读

I was the manager of a packaging and shipping store. Last year, when business was booming
the owner came by to help out. A customer complained to him that the price of mailing a gift was more than the price of the item itself.
“Perhaps,” the owner replied, “you should buy more expensive gifts.”
我是一家包装和托运商店的经理 。去年生意非常兴旺时,老板来帮忙 。一位顾客向他抱
怨,运费比礼品本身的价钱还要贵 。
【bounght gifts英语怎么读 gifts英语怎么读】老板说: “或许您应该买更贵重一点的礼品 。”
