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【单词】xD 这里是表情符号,侧着看像一个张嘴微笑的表情
For me, when I'm playing against someone else, I'm still planning moves against myself.
【译】对我来说,当我和别人比赛的时候,我也会思考如何应对我自己的棋 。
I'm always looking at it from my opponent's view and thinking what can I do here in response?
Chess is not just about setting traps and hoping the opponent doesnt see them.
【译】国际象棋不仅仅是设下陷阱,希望对手看不到 。
【单词】Chess 原型:chess [ches][t?es] n. 国际象棋
【单词】traps 原型:trap [trap][tr?p] n. 圈套;陷阱;困境
It's about coming up with good moves that are hard to exploit.
【译】关键是要想出很难对付的一步步好棋 。
【单词】exploit ['ek-sploit, ik-'sploit][?k'spl??t] vt. 剥削;利用;开发;开拓
Chess is a game of perfect information.
【译】国际象棋是一种信息充足的游戏 。
【单词】perfect [adjective'pur-fikt]['p??f?kt] adj. 完美的;完全的;完满的;十足的;理想的
Both you and your opponent can see the exact same state of the board.
【译】你和你的对手都能看到完全相同的棋盘状态 。
【单词】exact [ig-'zakt][?ɡ'z?kt] adj. 精密严谨的;确切的
There's usually a number of "correct moves" to make.
【译】通常有许多“正确的动作(指下棋的一步)”要做 。
So theoretically since you have the same information and there's usually a few "correct moves" you should be able to figure out what your opponent might play even if there is another person playing.
【译】所以从理论上讲,既然你有相同的信息 , 而且通常有一些“正确的动作”,你应该能够找出你的对手可能会玩什么,即使有其他人在玩 。
【词法】even if是“即使 , 纵然”的意思,为连词 , 用于引导让步状语从句 。如:Even if it rains tomorrow, we won't change our plan. 即使明天下雨,我们也决不改变计划 。
【单词】theoretically [thee-uh-'ret-i-kuhl][?θ??'ret?kli] adv. 理论上
So when you play by yourself, you kind of just attempt to figure out and work through the possible correct moves you can make for either side, similar to how a computer might analyze a chess position.
【译】所以当你自己下棋的时候,你就可以试着找出并找出你可以为任何一方做出的正确的棋步,就像计算机如何分析象棋的位置一样 。
【单词】computer [kuh?m-'pyoo-ter][k?m'pju?t?(r)] n. 电脑;计算机
【单词】analyze ['an-l-ahyz]['?n?la?z] vt. 分析;解析;研究
Contrast this with a game with hidden information like Poker or Stratego, knowing your opponents information completely ruins the dynamic of the game.
【译】与一个隐藏信息的游戏相比,如扑克或战略,知道你的对手的信息会完全破坏人们对游戏的兴趣 。
【单词】Contrast 原型:contrast [kuhn-'trast, 'kon-trast]['k?ntrɑ?st] v. 对比;成对照
【单词】hidden 原型:hide [hahyd][ha?d] v. 藏;隐瞒;遮避
【单词】completely [kuhm-'pleet][k?m'pli?tli] adv. 完全地;十分地;全然
【单词】ruins 原型:ruin ['roo-in]['ru??n] vt. 毁灭;毁坏
【单词】dynamic [dahy-'nam-ik][da?'n?m?k] n. 动力;动力学
【专有名词】Poker ['poh-ker]['p??k?(r)] n. 扑克
【专有名词】Stratego 意为“策略”,指一种棋类 。类似于中国的陆战棋,但与其不同 。它起源于欧洲近代的战争 。
I have done this plenty of times.
