practice怎么读 practise怎么读( 三 )

【译】我已经这样下棋很多次了 。
【单词】plenty ['plen-tee]['plenti] n. 丰富;大量;充足 adj. 充足的;相当多的 adv. 非常;充分
You do know the move you plan to make on both sides but every turn you see the board differently, move your seat or turn the board around.
【译】你确实知道你打算在两边走的棋,但每次你看到的棋盘都不一样,更换你的座位或者把棋盘转过来 。
【单词】differently ['dif-er-uhnt-lee, 'dif-ruhnt‐]['d?fr?ntli] adv. 不同地
【单词】seat [seet][si?t] n. 座位;底座;席位

practice怎么读 practise怎么读

As a kid I learned chess early and no one wanted to play with me so did this all the time and really helped me develop my game because I was able to find my own weaknesses if that makes any sense.
【译】小时候,我很早就学会了国际象棋,没人愿意和我一起下棋,所以一直都这样做 , 真的帮助我发展了自己的棋艺,我可以找到自己的弱点,这很有意义 。
【单词】kid [kid][k?d] n. 小孩;年轻人
【单词】develop [dih-'vel-uh?p][d?'vel?p] v. 发展;发育;开发
【practice怎么读 practise怎么读】【单词】weaknesses 原型:weakness ['week-nis]['wi?kn?s] n. 软弱;弱点
