说到“皮”,大家都知道皮肤的英文是skin 。
skin可以用来形容人的皮肤 。
the layer of tissue that covers the body
She had thick black hair and smooth dark skin.
她有着浓密的黑发和光滑的黑皮肤 。
也可以用来形容动物皮毛 , 以及一些水果的皮 。这种水果一般皮比较薄 。
the skin of a dead animal with or without its fur, used for making leather, etc.
the outer layer of some fruits and vegetables
a leopard skin 豹子皮
apple skin 苹果皮
grape skin 葡萄皮
kiwi skin 猕猴桃皮
尤指一些水果或蔬菜在吃前要剥掉或削掉的外皮,比如香蕉皮、橘子皮 , 相对较厚 。
the thick skin of some fruits and vegetables, especially the ones that you usually peel before eating
orange peel 橘子皮
banana peel香蕉皮
peel作动词也有“剥皮”的意思 。
When you peel fruit or vegetables, you remove their skins.
Have you peeled the potatoes?
某些食物的厚外皮 , 如熏肉或奶酪,通常不吃 。
the thick outer skin of some foods such as bacon and some types of cheese
Discard the bacon rind and cut each rasher in half.
去掉熏肉皮,把每一片切成两半 。
也可以指比较厚的水果的皮 , 如柠檬、橘子、西瓜等水果 。
the thick outer layer of some types of fruit
watermelon rind 西瓜皮
grapefruit rind 葡萄柚皮
指玉米、谷物、坚果等的外壳,外皮 。
the dry outer part of corn, some grains, nuts, etc.
corn husk 玉米皮
rice husk 稻谷壳
面包皮 。
the hard outer surface of bread
We saved a few crusts of bread for the birds.
我们留了几块面包皮给鸟吃 。
(馅饼或比萨饼等的)酥皮 。
the baked outer part of foods such as pies or pizzas
a thin-crust pizza
(蛋、坚果、某些种子和某些动物的)外壳 。
a hard outer part that covers or protects a nut, egg, or seed and some types of animals
They cracked the nuts and removed their shells.
他们把坚果敲碎,剥去壳 。
a snail shell 蜗牛壳
也可以指蛋糕外壳或者点心皮 。
a covering made of PASTRY that surrounds a food
Pour the mixture into a prepared pie shell and bake at 375° for 45 minutes.
把混合物倒进预先准备好的馅饼皮中,然后在375度下烘烤45分钟 。
taco shells 墨西哥玉米卷(的)皮
货物售出时所用的纸质或塑料的包装材料,包装纸 。饺子皮也用wrapper 。
piece of paper, plastic, etc. that is wrapped around something, especially food, when you buy it in order to protect it and keep it clean
candy wrapper 糖纸
dumpling wrapper 饺子皮
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