visit的用法( 三 )

下面的短语也是 comeover 的意思,不过这些是英式用法!
● pop in
● pop over
● pop round
● pop by
LESSON 165 come to 求援;(金额)总计;恢复知觉NO01 You can always come to me if you need help.
需要帮忙的时候随时都可以来找我 。
NO02 Don't come to me if you don't have any money.
没钱就别来找我 。
NO03 What does that come to?
NO04 Your bill comes to... three hundred andtwenty NT.
您的账单总共是……新台币三百二十元 。
NO05 At first, the Little Mermaid thought theprince was dead, but soon he came to.
一开始小美人鱼以为王子死了,但是不久之后,王子便恢复了知觉 。
NO06 Robinsoncame to on a desert island.
鲁宾逊醒来时发现自己在一座荒岛上 。
come to 这个短语不可以用被动态 。除了上面介绍的用法之外,下面列的一些说法也很常见!
如果要告诉别人自己“对利比里亚的历史一无所知”,就可以说:when it comes to the history of Liberia, I know nothing(一提到利比里亚的历史,我是一无所知) 。
当你觉得情况每况愈下,不知道会糟到什么田地,英文中可以用 come 来形容,那就是 whatis it all coming to 或是 what is the world coming to 。
再举一个例子帮助读者了解:“他起先对他太太大吼大叫,现在是动粗打她 , 情况不知道会糟到什么地步”英文的表达方式是:
First he yelled at his wife, and then hebeat her. That was what it all came to.

LESSON 166 cometo mind 突然想到NO01 An interesting thought just came to mind!
NO02 It came to mind that I had forgotten to bringany money.
我刚想到我忘了带钱 。
come to mind 这个短语不可以有被动态,一定是“想法,意见”或“形式主语”放在句首 。
come to mind 是由十三世纪的 come in mind 演变而来,这个短语常常用在一种情况:你本来记得某件事 , 但是一时之间忘了,突然间又想了起来,这时候就可以说 (something) comes to mind,意思就是 I think up (something),或是 I remember (something) 。
另一个和 come tomind 意思相同的类似用法是occur 。例如上面二句例句都可以用occur,换句话说,意思仍旧一样:
● Aninteresting thought just occurred to me!
● It occurredto me that I had forgotten to bring any money.
除了 come tomind 之外,come to 后面加上别的词 , 则会构成其他很常见的短语:
● come to theconclusion 得出结论
We came tothe conclusion that Sean was telling alie.
 我们得到的结论是肖恩在说谎 。
● come to(one's) attention 注意到
It has cometo my attention that some students have been cheating in tests.
 我注意到有些学生在考试中作弊 。
LESSON 167 cometo the point 讲重点;说到要点NO01 I don't want to hear the details; come to thepoint.
我不要听细节,讲重点就好 。
NO02 The salesman talked for thirty minutes beforecoming to the point.
推销员在讲出重点前,滔滔不绝地讲了三十分钟 。
come to 有“谈到、涉及”的意思,所以 come to the point 字面的意思就是“谈到这一点、到达某一点”,也就是“说到重点” 。例如:
● I'll come tothis point later.
 我稍后会谈到这一点 。
美国国会民主党参议员伯德在批评白宫对朝鲜政策时,他说到:it has come to the point that, whether by accident or design, thesituation in DPRK could rapidly disintegrate...(现在已经到了紧要关头,朝鲜的局势可能有意无意地迅速恶化……
