
简要回答short作形容词时意为短的、个子矮的、短期的、短暂的 。作名词时意为少量烈酒、(尤指在正片前放映的)电影短片 , 作副词时意为缺少、不足、未达到、不及、中间(打断)、过早地(终止) 。


英语是现在的国际通用语言,所以说掌握一些基本的英语是非常有必要的 , 那么下面咱们来说说short是什么意思 。
英 [???t] 美 [???rt]
adj. 短的;个子矮的;短期的;短暂的
adv. 缺少;不足;未达到;不及;中间(打断);过早地(终止)
n. 少量烈酒;(尤指在正片前放映的)电影短片
vi. 故意少给…的零头;骗取短路
第三人称单数: short
复数: shorts
现在分词: shorting
过去式: shorted
过去分词: shorted
比较级: shorter
最高级: shortest
派生词: shortness
in short order 麻利;简单省事
quickly and without trouble
in the short run 从短期来看;眼下
concerning the immediate future
In the short run, unemployment may fall.
从短期来看,失业率可能降低 。
in short supply 不充裕;短缺;紧缺
not existing in large enough quantities to satisfy demand
Basic foodstuffs were in short supply.
基本食物紧缺 。
Sunshine will be in short supply for the west coast.
西海岸将不会有充足的阳光 。
little/nothing short of sth
used when you are saying that sth is almost true, or is equal to sth
Last year's figures were little short of disastrous.
去年的数字简直是灾难 。
The transformation has been nothing short of a miracle.
这种变化堪称奇迹 。
make short work of sth/sb
to defeat, deal with sth/sb quickly
Liverpool made short work of the opposition (= in a football/ soccer game) .
利物浦队干净利落地击败了对手 。
He made short work of his lunch (= ate it quickly) .
他三下两下吃完午饭 。
short and sweet
(informal) 短暂而美好;简明扼要;紧凑
pleasant but not lasting a long time
We haven't much time so I'll keep it short and sweet.
我们时间不多,我就长话短说吧 。
draw the short straw
NAmE get the short end of the stick
to be the person in a group who is chosen or forced to perform an unpleasant duty or task
I drew the short straw and had to clean the toilets.
我抽到了下下签,只得打扫厕所了 。
life's too short
(informal) 人生苦短;不可枉费此生
used to say that it is not worth wasting time doing sth that you dislike or that is not important
The announcement was made a short time ago
通告是不久前才宣布的 。
For a few short weeks there was peace
有过短短几周的和平 。
They were performing a short extract from Shakespeare's Two Gentlemen of Verona
他们正表演莎士比亚剧作《维洛那二绅士》中的一个片段 。
I'm tall and thin and he's short and fat.
我又高又瘦,他又矮又胖 。
The city centre and shops are only a short distance away
市中心和商店离得很近 。
Her father's illness left the family short of money
她父亲的病造成家里经济拮据 。
He stopped a hundred yards short of the building
他在离大楼100码处停下了 。
Short of climbing railings four metres high, there was no way into the garden from this road
除非爬过4米高的栏杆,否则从这条路没办法进到园子里 。
His glittering career was cut short by a heart attack
他辉煌的事业因心脏病发作而被迫终止 。

