

唯一的心 , 唯一的繁华 。The only heart, the only prosperity.
能被抢走的爱人 , 那不叫爱人 。A lover who can be robbed is not called a lover.
下一年、我们说好了去看海 。Next year, we agreed to see the sea.
【适合爱情的英文格言精选】即已不回头 , 何必去挽留 。That is, if you dont look back, why do you want to stay.
君记我一瞬 , 我念君半生 。You remember me for a moment, I miss you half a life.
习惯了两个人 , 睡单人床 。Used to two people, single bed.
月亮一走 , 风儿也觉无聊 。As soon as the moon goes, the wind feels bored.
涐爱你 , 我想跟你永远在一起 。I want to be with you forever.
你有新欢了 , 我连旧爱都不是 。You have a new love. Im not even an old one.
越是在乎的人 , 越是猜不透 。The more you care, the more you cant guess.
