


中国有两个张飞庙 。一是位于四川省阆中市古城区西街59号的汉桓侯祠,俗称张飞庙,全国重点文物保护单位 。二是位于重庆市云阳县盘石镇龙宝村狮子岩下的张飞庙,又名张桓侯庙,系为纪念三国时期蜀汉名将张飞而修建 。
1、汉桓侯祠,俗称张飞庙,位于四川省阆中市古城区西街59号,全国重点文物保护单位 。
汉桓侯祠,是纪念三国时蜀汉名将张飞的祠庙 。因张飞死后追谥为桓侯,故名 。唐时叫"张侯祠",明代称"雄威庙",清代以来才叫 "桓侯祠" 。
2、张飞庙,又名张桓侯庙,位于重庆市云阳县盘石镇龙宝村狮子岩下,系为纪念三国时期蜀汉名将张飞而修建 。
张飞庙始建于蜀汉末期,距今已有1700多年的历史 。后经宋、元、明、清历代扩建,现存建筑面积1400平方米,琉璃粉墙,金碧辉煌 。殿宇群,依山取势,庙内碑刻书画丰富,被誉为“巴蜀胜景、文藻胜地” 。
张飞庙为什么在云阳张飞被他的部下所杀,其身体埋葬在阆中,其头埋葬在云阳,故都建有张飞庙 。
张飞庙中有什么东西张飞庙里有桃花源 。饮马槽 。纪念刘关张桃园三结义的结义楼 。
张飞庙三绝指的是什么相传勇毅刚直的张飞急于为义兄关羽报仇,被部将张达、范疆所害,其头颅被抛于江中 。有渔人夜得张飞托梦,到江中打捞张飞头颅,意外捞到一罐金子,于是用此金造了张飞庙 。据史载,张飞庙始建于蜀汉末年,后经宋、元、明、清历代扩建,已有1700多年历史 。庙前临江石壁上书有“江上风清”四个大字,字体雄劲秀逸 。庙内塑有张飞像,珍藏有汉唐以来的大量诗文碑刻书画及其他文物数百件,多为稀世珍品 。素有“三绝”(文章绝世,书法绝世,镌刻绝世)之盛誉,号称“文藻胜地”、“巴渝一胜境” 。
张飞庙英文介绍简短    Zhang Fei temple, also known as Zhang Huanhou temple, Zhangfei river hill, mountain take potential and consists of a set of imaginative ancient buildings, momentum magnificent magnificent.
     The main buildings in the main hall, side hall, Wang Yunxuan, sworn building, Zhufeng Pavilion, cuckoo Pavilion and pavilion 7 month. Before the five buildings built to commemorate Zhang Fei temple, two building to commemorate the Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu in this guest two years built, is rare and martial temple.
   Zhang Feimiao scenery
   The origin of Zhang Feimiao
   Zhang Fei temple for the memorial in the period of the Three Kingdoms Shuhan star Zhang Fei built. Founded in the end of Shu Han, after the dynasties repair extension, dating back more than one thousand seven hundred years history.
【张飞庙在哪里,张飞庙为什么在云阳】     Reportedly Zhang Fei in Langzhong was Department fan Jiang Zhang after the assassination of up, two people take the heads of the defected to Soochow, to Yunyang, Wen said peace and Wu Shu, will the heads of abandoned River, a fisherman fishing salvaged, buried in the foothills of the Phoenix.
