鱼虾海鲜的英文表达 海鲜英语

Fish & Seafood

鱼虾海鲜的英文表达 海鲜英语

Seafood includes many kinds of fish as well as shellfish and other sea creatures like squid.
海鲜包括多种鱼类、贝类和其他海洋生物,如鱿鱼 。
Some kinds of seafood are raised in ponds or in cages in the sea, but most of the fish we eat are taken alive from the ocean by big commercial fishing boats. Commercial fishing has done a lot of damage by overfishing and by trawling with huge nets that can catch everything, including fish too small to sell and other sea creatures like dolphins.
有些海鲜是在池塘里或海里的笼子里养殖的,但我们吃的鱼大多是由大型商业渔船从海洋中活捉过来的 。商业捕捞由于过度捕捞和用巨大的网进行拖网捕鱼造成了很大的损害,这种网可以捕捉所有东西,包括太小而不能出售的鱼和其他海洋生物,如海豚 。但如果你喜欢钓鱼,别担心 。这种损害不是由乘坐小船捕鱼或用鱼竿捕鱼的人造成的 。
But if you like fishing, don't worry. This sort of damage isn't caused by people who go fishing in small boats or who fish with a fishing rod.
但如果你喜欢钓鱼,别担心 。这种损害不是由乘坐小船捕鱼或用鱼竿捕鱼的人造成的 。
鱼虾海鲜的英文表达 海鲜英语

Fish are an important source of protein that can be eaten raw, as in Japanese sashimi, or kept for future use by being pickled, as in pickled herring, by being smoked, as in smoked salmon, or by being canned, as incanned tuna. But most fish is cooked either by frying, baking, grilling or steaming. It can be cooked whole, or cut into large pieces called fillets, or cut into small pieces and used to make soup, curry, stew, etc. But however you eat your fish, watch out for bones!
鱼是蛋白质的重要来源,可以生吃,如日本生鱼片,也可以腌制保存以备将来食用,如腌制,如腌鲱鱼,或罐装,如金枪鱼罐头 。但是大多数的鱼都是通过油炸、烘烤、烧烤或蒸的方式烹调的 。它可以整只煮,也可以切成大块鱼片,也可以切成小块用来做汤、咖喱、炖菜等 。但是不管你吃鱼的方式是什么,要小心鱼的骨头!
The most widely-eaten fish include salmon, tuna, snapper, mackerel, cod, trout, carp, catfish and sardines. Most of these are caught in the sea or in lakes and rivers, but edible fish are also raised in ponds.
最常食用的鱼包括鲑鱼、金枪鱼、鲷鱼、鲭鱼、鳕鱼、鳟鱼、鲤鱼、鲶鱼和沙丁鱼 。这些鱼大部分是在海里或湖里和河里捕获的,也可以在池塘里饲养食用鱼 。
In Chinese aquaculture, fish like the grass carp have been raised for nearly four thousand years, but the first known example of aquaculture is a complex of ponds and canals built by the Gunditjmara people of Australia over eight thousand years ago to farm eel, a long, thin, snake-like fish that's still eaten today.
中国水产养殖——如草鱼——已经有了近四千年的历史,但第一个已知的水产养殖的例子是一个复杂的池塘及运河,由澳大利亚贡第杰玛若人于八千多年前建造,用于养殖鳝鱼——一种今天仍然用于食用的很细的蛇形鱼 。
鱼虾海鲜的英文表达 海鲜英语

Many other sea creatures can also be eaten, including some with an outer shell you have to remove before getting to the soft flesh inside. This type of seafood includes lobsters, crabs, crayfish, prawns and shrimp, a smaller relative of the prawn.
