摸骨、看相、寻找遗传密码…何以追溯人类祖先家谱( 四 )

不过 , 我们也看到 , 化石本身并不具有智慧 , 只有靠着一代代学者对这些牙齿和碎骨进行多学科分析、多角度探索 , 我们距离人类祖先图谱的完成、距离人类演化的真相才能越来越近吧 。
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7. Durvasula A, Sankararaman S. Recovering signals of ghost archaic introgression in African populations[J]. Science advances, 2020, 6(7): eaax5097.
8. Warren M. Move over, DNA: ancient proteins are starting to reveal humanity's history[J]. Nature, 2019, 570(7762): 433.
9. Welker F, Ramos-Madrigal J, Gutenbrunner P, et al. The dental proteome of Homo antecessor[J]. Nature, 2020: 1-4.
10. Pan Y, Zheng W, Moyer A E, et al. Molecular evidence of keratin and melanosomes in feathers of the Early Cretaceous bird Eoconfuciusornis[J]. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2016, 113(49): E7900-E7907.
11. Chen F, Welker F, Shen C C, et al. A late middle pleistocene denisovan mandible from the tibetan plateau[J]. Nature, 2019, 569(7756): 409-412.
