奥迪大众vas 5052a专用诊断仪器简介

【奥迪大众vas 5052a专用诊断仪器简介】 vas5052a是德国大众和奥迪公司为其特约服务站指定的必备汽车检测仪 , 在世界范围内不仅德国大众、奥迪、捷克大众斯柯达、西班牙大众西雅特 , 还是国内的上海大众 , 一汽大众——奥迪等服务站均采用的设备 。
其功能是其它任何诊断仪器所不能替代的 。相比vas1552功能更加完善强大 , 内存空间更大 。具有大屏幕显示 , 触摸屏操作 , 中文菜单

发动机控制系统 空调电器 仪表盘
变速器控制系统 安全气囊 电动天窗
制动控制系统 防滑控制 离合器控制
柴油泵控制系统 防盗系统 钥匙匹配

奥迪大众5052a专用诊断仪器模块功能[vas 5052]
1. 控制电脑型号
2. 读取故障码
3. 清除故障码
4. 测试执行元件
5. 基本调整
6. 读测量数据块
7. 单独通道数据
8. 控制单元编码
9. 自适应匹配
10. 登录
11. 设置服务商代码
12. 传送汽车底盘号
13.具有专家系统 。该系统提供了详尽的原厂维修资料信息 , 如电路图、元件位置图、技术服务公告、拆装图以及各种准确的技术参数等 , 还可自动根据读入的故障代码或输入的故障现象引导维修人员从表到里进行故障分析、故障查询 , 直到排除故障 。
14. 通过方便的升级还可以及时跟踪、维修最新车型 。
15. 具有obd-Ⅱ诊断功能 。


the second generation diagnosis tester has now reached our workshops.
triggered by the new diagnosis standard asam (association forstandardisation ofautomation- andmeasuring systems).
prepared for future diagnosis software and hardware (diagnosis interface vas 5055) thanks to employment of the latest technical options.
enhanced by amendments over previous model from customer requests. workshop compatibility ,  ease of use and mobility go without saying.
with the vehicle diagnosis and service information system vas 5052a ,  the successful care concept for modern vehicle systems is continued in a consistent manner.
the functions/operating modes "vehicle self-diagnosis" ,  "obd" ,  "guided fault finding" ,  "guided functions" ,  etc. are comparable with those from vas 5052.
interrogation of fault memory in all control units ,  update programming of control units or resetting service interval display have no differences in use with today's functions.
a scantool mode allows data transfer ,  as prescribed within the scope of onboard diagnosis (obd) ,  with the emissions influencing control units of all manufacturers.
service information such as service tables ,  current flow diagrams ,  etc. (elsa) is displayed on the screen of the equipment and reduces the amount of paper required in the workshop quite considerably. the required information is made available directly at the site of repair and with very up-to-date data.
the necessary interfaces are installed for access to service information on local servers or internet data.
service information for non-brand dealerships are offered on cd-rom and via the internet (erwin = electronic repair and workshop information). this means that vas 5052a is offered once again with a complete solution (hardware and software) of diagnosis and service information for this range of customers as well.
