
1、美国3M公司是做什么的,和俄罗斯3M一样吗?3M公司是美国的一家世界五百强公司,公司的业务涵盖很广泛,从汽车贴的膜到一些智能化设备,它在世界很多国家都有分公司,但是俄罗斯3M公司通常指的俄罗斯MMM公司,而不是“3M”二者不可混为一谈,俄罗斯这个公司目前广泛认为是一个骗钱公司 。
他们和俄国3M是没关系的 。美国3M的产品多且质量好,广泛的用到家庭、建筑各个领域 。


3M公司 , 全称Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing,即明尼苏达矿业及制造公司 。1902年成立,总部现位于美国明尼苏达州首府圣保罗市,为世界著名的创新与多元化跨国企业,并且是道琼斯30种工业成分指数股票之一 。
3M公司素以勇于创新、产品繁多著称于世,在其百多年历史中开发了6万多种高品质产品 。百年来,3M的产品已深入人们的生活,从家庭用品到医疗用品,从运输、建筑到商业、教育和电子、通信等各个领域,极大地改变了人们的生活和工作方式 。
现代社会中 , 世界上有50%的人每天直接或间接地接触到3M公司的产品 。
3M公司全称 Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing(明尼苏达矿务及制造业公司) ,创建于1902年,总部设在美国明尼苏达州的圣保罗市,是世界著名的产品多元化跨国企业 。3M公司素以勇于创新、产品繁多著称于世,在其百多年历史中开发了6万多种高品质产品 。百年来 , 3M的产品已深入人们的生活,从家庭用品到医疗用品,从运输、建筑到商业、教育和电子、通信等各个领域 , 极大地改变了人们的生活和工作方式 。现代社会中,世界上有50%的人每天直接或间接地接触到3M公司的产品 。
3M亚太区总部在新加坡 。近几年由于中国的税负增加 , 3M很多新项目都移到东南亚了 。所以机会也比较多 。
其他的网上一般都能查到,也就不写了 。不知道您还行了解些其他什么信息 。网上查的到的我有,查不到的也可以有 。

3、3m口罩是哪个国家3M公司是一家美国企业全称明尼苏达矿务及制造业公司(Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Corporation),于一九O二年在美国明尼苏达州成立,是一家历史悠久的多元化跨国企业,素以产品种类繁多,锐意创新而著称于世 。成立至今 , 它开发生产的优质产品多达5万种,服务于通信、交通、工业、汽车、航天、航空、电子、电气、医疗、建筑、文教办公及日用消费等诸多领域 。3M公司为道?琼斯30种工业股之一,1997年被《财富》杂志评为全球最著名的19家企业之一 。
您好,3M既是公司的名称,也是注册商标 。3M公司又称明尼苏达矿业制造公司,其英文单词首字母为3个M 。3M公司全球总部位于美国明尼苏达州,3M中国有限公司总部位于上海 。
3M口罩是美国的品牌 。

4、美国3M公司是做什么的,和那个俄罗斯3M一样吗3M公司素以勇于创新、产品繁多著称于世,在其百多年历史中开发了6万多种高品质产品 。百年来,3M的产品已深入人们的生活,从家庭用品到医疗用品 , 从运输、建筑到商业、教育和电子、通信等各个领域,极大地改变了人们的生活和工作方式 。现代社会中,世界上有50%的人每天直接或间接地接触到3M公司的产品 。
3M公司在全球60多个国家和地区设有分支机构,产品在200多个国家和地区销售,年营业额逾212亿美元 。作为世界500强的企业之一,3M公司在2003年被《商业周刊》评为全球最佳表现50强之一,在2005年被评为全球最具创新精神的20 家公司之一,并连续两年入选《财富》杂志“最受赞赏的在华企业” 。
美国3M公司是一家拥有百年历史的世界性的多元化科技创新企业,100多年来,开发了近七万种产品,从家庭用品到医疗产品 , 从运输、建筑到商业、教育和电子、通信等各个领域,处于全球领先水平 。跟俄罗斯3M没有关系的 。

5、3m公司英文介绍3M Company Overview
Company Name 3M Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing (Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company), founded in 1902 and headquartered in the United States-ming SU Dazhou city of Sao Paulo, is the world-famous multinational corporations product diversification.
3M company in order to make innovations, the world known for many products in its 100 years of history in the development of more than 60,000 kinds of high-quality products. Over the past 100 years, 3 M product has been thoroughly people's lives, from home appliances to medical supplies, transportation, construction to business, education and electronics, communications and other fields has greatly changed people's lives and work methods. Modern society, the world's 50 per cent of people every day, directly or indirectly exposed to 3 M's products.
3M company in the world more than 60 countries and regions with branches, products in more than 200 countries and regions in sales, with sales of more than 21.2 billion U.S. dollars. As the world's top 500 enterprises of, 3 M in 2003 by "Business Week" as the world's best performance of one of the top 50 in 2005 was rated the world's most innovative spirit of one of the 20 companies, and a row Selected two years, "Fortune" magazine "the most admired companies in China" one.
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Our values
Sustainable development, to provide substantial shareholders of return
With excellent quality, value and service to meet customer demand
Respect for the social and natural environment
Become proud of the staff of enterprises
3M Events
Global sales: 21.1 billion U.S. dollars
Overseas sales: 12.9 billion U.S. dollars (61 per cent of the total)
3M in more than 60 countries and regions with offices – a country with 29 production lines, with 35 national laboratories
3M to close more than 200 countries worldwide for customers to provide diversified and high quality products and services
The world has more than 60,009 employees 1000
3M in China
November 1984 3 M China Ltd. is incorporated, has been 22 years of history, is in the special economic zones, set up China's first wholly foreign-owned enterprises, have invested in China over 300 million U.S. dollars
Currently 3 M companies in China established 11 companies, six production bases in 19 offices, three technical centers, and a research and development centers, and employs more than 4,400
Enterprise mission
Become the most innovative enterprises, and in the markets served by a highly respected suppliers.
"Practical and ingenious solutions that help customers succeed."
Become the most innovative enterprises, and serve the market to become a respected provider.
From 1902 to date, this goal has always been the same. We have heard the views of customers, understand their needs and provide solutions. Our brand promise to customers we have sold all of Meijianchanpin 3 M quality, service and value of the guarantee. We are committed to this company to live up to your trust, with innovative high-quality products and services more easily to your life, the better for it. This is the mission of 3 M unchanged.
Our values
With excellent quality, value and service to meet customer demand
Sustainable development, to provide substantial shareholders of return
Respect for the social and natural environment
The staff proud of enterprises
【3m公司是哪个国家的品牌,美国3M公司是做什么的,和俄罗斯3M一样吗?】A hundred years unlimited extension
Brilliant Century, Bright Future
Century innovation
1902, five young people in the United States of dual-port city of Minnesota, founded a mining company, initially only mining ores, and soon found ores have better prospects for the development, manufacturing sandpaper to change patterns. This is the beginning of 3 M.
A century, 3 M to expand scientific and technological limits, continuously improve, integrate and create, bring more new products come out, we guarantee an average of 500 kinds of practical, reliable and customer demand for different products.
1910, the company moved to its current headquarters location of St. Paul, Minnesota, and in 1914 launched the first exclusive products Three-M-iteTM grinding Shabu. This innovation process started. 1921, the world's first waterproof sandpaper WetordryTM grinding in the 3 M and the birth of registered patents, industrial grinding to open up a new era. 1924, 3 M began a formal product development. Since then, ScotchTM shelter belt, ScotchTM cellophane tape, ScotchTM vinyl electronic insulation tape, once again fixed the tape, and other innovative products diapers have come out in succession. In particular, was born in 1980 the Post-itTM Post-it, let the exchange of information in a revolutionary change. An endless stream of innovative products confirms the emergence of the 3 M's progress every time. Post-itTM, ScotchgardTM, ScotchTM, ThinsulateTM, FiltreteTM, Scotch-BriteTM, NomadTM, DyneonTM, NexcareTM…… one after another well-known brands under the various products have been introduced to the world, affecting and changing people's lifestyles and habits.
Today, 3 M has become the world's leading diversified multinational companies in the global production and sales of more than 60,000 products. Involved in areas including: industrial, chemical, electronic, electrical, communications, transportation, automotive, aerospace, medical, safety, construction, culture and education office, commercial and domestic consumer goods. Technological innovation brought about the development of flourishing. In the past 20 years, 3 M repeatedly selected 10 enterprises to become one of the most respected. 3M is not just Dow Jones industrial index components simultaneously one of the United States in 1997 "Fortune" magazine has named the world's 19 industry leaders in more occupy a place in 2001, 3 M in the United States praised the 60 most well-known enterprises in the ranks五. 3M in 2003 by "Business Week" as the world's best performance of one of the top 50 in 2005 was rated the world's most innovative spirit of one of the 20 companies, selected for two consecutive years and "Fortune" magazine "the most The appreciation of foreign-invested enterprises in China "one. 2003, 3 M brand is included in the annual "America's strongest brands." Loaded with the world's trust and extraordinary honor, 3 M more determined the pace of innovation.
Marketing the world
Today, 3 M is a more than 20 billion U.S. dollars with assets of the multinational companies, half of the business outside the United States and in over 60 countries with Division.
3M took the United States, the first direct investment in overseas subsidiaries began in 1951. 3 M the current six continents around the company's 62 countries, most of these overseas subsidiaries 3 M 100% investment. Outside the U.S. subsidiary, 38 countries have production lines, with 35 national laboratories, through these subsidiaries manufacture and marketing network, 3 M to the world nearly 200 countries provide a wide range of customers and high-quality Services. In modern society, some 50 percent of people every day, directly or indirectly exposed to 3 M products. Each and every element of our efforts to make 3 M in numerous operations to maintain global market leadership position and kept the innovation and invention 3 M for the next century is full of splendor.
您好,介绍如下:About 3M
A recognized leader in research and development, 3M produces thousands of innovative products for dozens of diverse markets. 3M’s core strength is applying its more than 40 distinct technology platforms C often in combination C to a wide array of customer needs. With $27 billion in sales, 3M employs 80,000 people worldwide and has operations in more than 65 countries. For more information, visit www.3m.com.
About 3M China
In Nov., 1984, 3M established 3M China, Ltd., which is the first foreign-invested enterprise outside of special economic zone. With investment of around 700 million US Dollar, 3M China has set up 12 companies, 11 manufacturing sites, 27 offices, three technique centers and one R&D center with more than 8,200 employees. For more information, visit www.3M.com.cn
Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing
1. 3M公司成立于1902年,总部位于明尼苏达州圣保罗,是世界上最大的明尼苏达矿业和制造公司之一 。3M是一家全球性多元化科技企业,创建于1902年,以创新和产品种类繁多而闻名,生产数以万计的创新产品,在医疗产品、公路安全、办公文化教育产品、光学产品等核心市场占据领先地位 。3M为全球200多个国家的客户提供产品和服务 。其产品已渗透到人们的生活中 , 从家居用品到医疗用品 , 从交通、建筑到商业、教育、电子、通信等领域,极大地改变了人们的生活和工作方式 。
2. 3 m公司创新战略是创建一个内部环境,不仅包括研发支出,如企业投资通常需要大约7%的年度销售产品研究和开发,更重要的是建立一个有利于创新的企业文化,肯尼斯?余认为,相对于产品创新 , 成功的创新英雄向新员工证明可以成功在3 m促进新想法和新产业开始 , 如果你成功了,你将被奖励,和员工不仅是自由地表达他们的意见,但将被鼓励和支持的公司 。“创新的想法和方法是最困难的,在非产品领域的创新是非常重要的,甚至是在产品领域创新的基础 。”
3. 从员工进入3M的第一天起,他们就被教导创新的概念 。人力资源经理齐敏表示,3M所有新员工都必须在头两个月内接受公司文化方面的全面培训 , 培训的核心是创新理念 。总经理会讲3M公司的创新理念 , 成功的高管会讲他们由于创新而取得的成功经验 。主题是一致的:坚持,从失败中学习,好奇心 , 耐心 , 动手管理风格 , 个人主动性,团队合作 , 好的想法的力量 。
明尼苏达矿业制造公司(3M)是一家拥有百年历史的公司,年收入150亿美元 , 拥有70 , 000名员工 。它的成功在于其四季度管理模式
