等我英语怎么说 在那里等我英语怎么说

很多网友想了解等我英语怎么说的相关知识 , 为了大家进一步的对在那里等我英语怎么说所有了解 , 就跟小编一起来看看吧!
等我 英语 怎么说:等我有钱了带你去比较好的精神病院 , 等我 , 这个词在交流中经常会说到 。那你知道等我英语怎么说吗?下面慈溪韦博小编告诉你等我英语怎么说 , 大家一起来看看吧!
Wait for me

等我英语怎么说 在那里等我英语怎么说

请在休息室里等我就行了 。
Just wait for me in the lounge.
别等我了 , 咱们两便吧 。
Don't wait for me, please. That might be more convenient for both of us.
未等我逮到鸽子 , 猫就猛扑了上去 。
Before I could get the pigeon the cat pounced.
可是等我获得资格开始教书的时候 , 却是另一番情形了 。
But when I'd qualified and started teaching it was a different story
她急切地等我打开其他礼物 。
She was anxious for me to unwrap the other gifts.
你在家里等我 。可不要拆烂污!
You be waiting for me at your place. And mind you don't mess things up!
且慢 , 等我把话说完 。
Wait a minute, let me finish what I have to say.
一切几乎都已准备就绪 , 就等我向纪录发起再一次冲击了 。
Everything is almost ready for me to make another attempt on the record.
在接待处等我 。
Wait at reception for me.
等我爬到山顶的时候 , 已经是上气不接下气了 。
By the time I got to the top of the hill, I was quite out of breath.
【等我英语怎么说 在那里等我英语怎么说】 等我做完再走 。
Stay till I'm through.
去宾馆替我们办理好入住手续 , 然后等我的电话 。
Check us in at the hotel and wait for my call.
等我说完 , 他说道:“是啊 , 那是预料中事 。”
When I finished, he said, 'Yeah. That figures'
还没等我回答他就回头又说了一句:“在那儿等着 。”
Before I could attempt a reply he added over his shoulder: 'Wait there.'
等我抓住你我会揍你 。
I'll give it to you when I catch you.
不要等我吃晚饭 , 我可能晚回来 。
Don't wait dinner for me, I may be late.
请等我一下 , 好吗?我马上就来!
Wait on, will you? I'm just coming!
他们使我相信他们会等我 。
They gave me to understand they would wait for me.
请在大门口等我 。
Please wait for me at the gate.
你先别挂 , 等我查一下 。
Hold the line while I find out.
等我一下 , 不会很久 。
Wait up, I shan't be tong.
如果你耐心再等我一下 , 我一定能把那本书找出来给你的 。
If you will bear with me a little longer, I'm sure I can find the book for you.
没等我开口 , 他就抢先替我说了 。
Before I could open my mouth, he hastened to speak on my behalf ( or he went ahead and said it for me).
谢谢你等我 。
Thank you for waiting for me.
你本不需要等我的 。
You needn't have waited for me.
Just wait for me in the lounge.
请在休息室里等我就行了 。
Don't wait for me, please. That might be more convenient for both of us.
别等我了 , 咱们两便吧 。
'Wait for me!' Melanie squawked. 'I'm not staying here alone.'
“等等我!”梅拉尼粗声抗议道 , “我不想一个人呆在这里 。”
