等我英语怎么说 在那里等我英语怎么说( 二 )

They gave me to understand they would wait for me.
他们使我相信他们会等我 。
Wait for me. I have to clean up.
等等我 , 我必须洗洗手 。
Please wait for me at the gate.
请在大门口等我 。
Sara, wait for me. I'm coming to save you.
等着我萨拉 。我来救你了 。
When you get to your sister's, you wait for me to call you.
你到了你姐那以后 , 你就等我的电话 。
I want them to wait for me there.
我要他们在那里等我 。
But I know I will make it through, if you wait for me.
但我知道我将使它通过 , 如果你等我 。
The original time never wait for me, is I missed you!
原定的时间永远等待我 , 是我错过了你!
Wait for me here. I will come.
在这儿等我 , 我会来找他们的 。
You couldn't wait for me?
Can you wait for me while I see off my friend?
You'll wait for me?
你会等着我?思嘉:我想我不愿意等 。
You will need to wait for me, can you?
你需要等待我一会 , 可以吗?
Do they wait for me to do this?
Can't you just* Wait for me a bit?
I told you to wait for me at the pool.
我告诉你们在游泳池那儿等我 。
Dad: Honey, wait for me. I am too tired to move a step further.
爸爸:宝贝 , 等等我 。我太累了 , 一步也挪不动了 。
Can you stop here for a minute and wait for me?
I told him to wait for me at the gate.
我让他在大门口等我 。
Wait for me downstairs with elaine.
你在下面和elaine一起等我 。
So wait for me, wait for my perfect love!
所以 , 等我 , 等我完美的爱!
Take care you'll wait for me, right?
保重 , 你会等我的 , 是吧?
