海岸英语怎么说 东南海岸英语怎么说( 二 )

The seacoast and I are originally a pair of lovers;
Armenia lacks a seacoast or a port.
亚美尼亚没有海岸和港口 。
A country that has a seacoast or waterway may have still another type of accommodation.
拥有海岸和水路的国家还可能有另外一种住宿设施 。
Several countries have no seacoast& for example, Switzerland and Austria.
有几个国家没有海岸线,如瑞士和奥地利 。
Relating to the belt or region of shallow water adjoining the seacoast, as in neritic fauna.
未经海图测定的浅水海域关于临近海岸的浅海地带或区域的,如浅海动物区系 。
Shanghai is the golden seacoast of East.
上海是东方的黄金海岸 。
Fight to the finish in defence of northern China and the seacoast.
为保卫华北和沿海各地而血战到底 。
It can be the filtration layer of the dikes, river canal, seacoast, concrete and retaining walls.
可以做堤坝,河渠,海岸,混凝土,挡土墙的过滤层 。
"Coastal waters" means the harbours, inland waters, territorial waters and all other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the state along the seacoast of the People's Republic of China.
沿海水域是指中华人民共和国沿海的港口、内水和领海以及国家管辖的一切其他海域 。
Any of various large diving ducks found along the seacoast: eider; scoter; merganser.
在海岸活动的各种大型潜水鸭;绒鸭;海番鸭;秋沙鸭 。
The small country has no seacoast, but is locked in by three nations.
这一小国没有海岸线,它被三个国家四面围住 。
The tolerance and the sublime of the seacoast stone hold's unique charm.
大海的宽容与壮美的海岸石丰韵独具 。
Seacoast shrub of northeastern North America having showy white blossoms and edible purple fruit.
北美东北海岸的一种灌木,亮丽的白色花冠,紫色果实,可食 。
Other places on the list include Kauai Island of Hawaii, the Mississippi Delta, Manhattan Island in New York, Hudson Bay in Canada, Panama Canal, Caribbean seacoast and the Amazon rainforest.
在这份目录中名列前茅的是夏威夷的考艾岛、密西西比河的三角洲、纽约曼哈顿、加拿大的哈德逊湾、巴拿马运河、加勒比海沿岸、亚马逊热带雨林等 。
I was just a guy on a bike, alone, riding a60-mile stretch of lonely road that winds through mountains eastward to the seacoast.
我只不过是一个骑车独自旅行的人,颠簸于一段延伸60英里的荒凉之路,这条路婉蜒向东穿过山脉通向海岸 。
There was a certain seacoast where the waters were very dangerous and many shipwrecks occurred, many lives were lost.
在某一个海岸附近,海水非常险恶,很多船在那边发生船难,很多宝贵的生命在那边失去了 。
Our language goes current along the seacoast.
我们的语言通用于沿海一带 。
He hurried to the seacoast, and, with all who were able to accompany him, sailed away to Greece.
他匆忙赶到海边,带上所有能伴随他的人,坐船逃往希腊去了 。
A dune grass of the Pacific seacoast used as a sand binder. Planting trees and grass can not only resist but also fix sand.
用作固沙植物的太平洋海岸的沙丘草 。植树种草既能阻沙,又能固沙 。
Pathogenicity of Vibrio fluvialis Isolated from Seacoast
On the dangerous points along our seacoast are lighthouses, which can be seen far out at sea, and serve as guides to ships.
在危险的时刻,沿着海岸,我们可以看到远处的海上,许多灯塔为船舶作向导 。
In the bright moon night, they come to the tranquil seacoast and begin dancing on the beach filled with cobbles.
