海岸英语怎么说 东南海岸英语怎么说( 三 )

明亮的月夜,她们来到宁静的海边,聚集在铺满卵石的海滩上跳“发舞” 。
The gauze disc ( 6) serves to hold the coiled wick tightly against the fuel charge, while the back plate ( 10) protects the washer. So the seacoast will be pastures, With caves for shepherds and folds for flocks.
纱网盘(6)用于保持导火索盘紧靠燃料块,后盘(10)用于保护垫圈 。番2:6沿海之地要变为草场、其上有牧人的住处和羊群的圈 。
A commercial port, a golden seacoast, an investment capaBle of appreciation, the ideal choice
People began to realize the importance of seacoast wetland eco-tourism value.
人们开始逐渐认识到滨海湿地的重要生态旅游价值 。
Currently, the study of the history and the historical geography in Weifang was few, the main study place was the canal seacoast in Shandong region.
现阶段对潍坊历史和历史地理的研究是一片空白,主要的研究热点集中在山东运河沿岸等地区 。
On the land and biological resources of seacoast zone and their exploitation and utilization of China
