关于我们英语怎么说 我们的英语怎么说呢

关于我们 英语 怎么说:关于我们转生成为史莱姆的那件事,关于我们,这个词在英语交流中经常会说到 。那你知道关于我们英语怎么说吗?下面南京美联小编告诉你关于我们英语怎么说,大家一起来看看吧!
About us

关于我们英语怎么说 我们的英语怎么说呢

关于我们的出版目的存在着某些误解 。
There has been some misunderstanding of our publishing aims
关于我们的谈话他只字未提 。
He never breathed a word about our conversation.
关于我们的报道大都是彻头彻尾的胡编乱造 。
Much of what has been written about us is out-and-out lies.
这份关于我们经济状况的报告,充满了令人绝望和沮丧的调子 。
The report on our economic situation is full of doom and gloom.
What did you tell him? About us?
What do they tell us about ourselves and our society?
关于我们去北京的旅程我作了一个计划 。
I made a plan for our trip to beijing.
但是这应该给你们一个很扎实的回顾,关于我们谈论过的一些事情 。
【关于我们英语怎么说 我们的英语怎么说呢】 But this should give you a good solid review of some of the things that we talked about.
Have you heard anything about our new English teacher?
关于我们的计划,他好像什么都知道了 。
It seems that he has learned everything about our plan.
这当然要求我们具有关于我们的客户的需要和期望的深入的认识 。
This, of course, requires us to have intimate knowledge about our own clients'needs and expectations.
关于我们对自己会进行多少锻炼过分乐观的问题,一直是学术研究的对象 。
Our overoptimism about how much we will work out has been the subject of academic research.
我们发现了关于我们家庭的一些趣事 。
We made some interesting discoveries about our own family.
What does that tell us about the ways we socialize boys in America?
By the way, can you tell me what the latest new in our tennis rackets?
It's obvious he's worried about us and I'm taking it as a compliment.
显然他担心我们,我把这当做一种赞美 。
We like him very much and he says the same about us.
我们很喜欢他,他也说很喜欢我们 。
Much of what has been written about us is out-and-out lies.
关于我们的报道大都是彻头彻尾的胡编乱造 。
What did you tell him? About us?
I can't really say more, but it's nothing about us.
我不能再多说了,但和我们俩无关 。
I love everything about us.
我喜欢关于我俩的一切 。
You get the feeling that everybody's forgotten about us?
People will talk about us.
别人会对我们说三道四的 。
Don't bother about us we'll join you later.
别惦记我们我们不久就和你们在一起了 。
We know how you feel about us.
我们知道你对于我俩的感受 。
I know, I just don't want to have to lie about us.
