关于我们英语怎么说 我们的英语怎么说呢( 二 )

我明白,我只是不想向她隐瞒我们的事 。
We warmly welcome your visit to our company to learn more about us and our products.
我们热烈欢迎您访问我们的公司更多地了解我们和我们的产品 。
I think those idiots have just forgotten about us.
这些白痴把我们忘记了 。
It's about us, getting back to what we used to be.
我们,回到我们过去的样子 。
Can't we feel its wounds? What about us?
那么,那就不仅仅是关于我们知道什么 。
Then, it's not just about what we know.
总之,自学基本上都是关于我们自己的 。
In brief, self-study is all about us basically.
这是个好透了的消息,头等重要的消息,说的是关于我们大家都喜欢的某一个人 。
It is excellent news, capital news, and about a certain person that we all like.
关于我们的财政计划就讲到这里了 。
That's so much for part of our financial plan.
我的一个朋友近送给我一份关于我们以前某个同学的剪报 。
A friend recently sent me a newspaper clipping about someone we were at school with.
Have we tested it on enough inputs?
关于我们你有很多美丽梦想,我也是 。
You had many beautiful dreams about us, I did.
我们的员工能获得他们需要知道的关于我们的组织如何运作的信息 。
Our employees get the information they need to know how our organization is doing.
我已经听够了关于我们下一步要做什么的没完没了的争论 。
I'm fed up with these eternal arguments about what we're going to do next.
我认为关于我们的梦比较好的解释来自我们自己 。
And I would suggest that the best explanation to our dreams should come from us.
关于我们是否应搬新家发生了激烈的争论 。
There was a big argument about whether we should move to a new house.
你提的第二个问题,是关于我们对温室气体排放的态度 。
Your second question is about our position on greenhouse gas emission.
这是关于我们在周三讲过的,周期性规律的 。
This is about the periodic trends that we discussed on Wednesday.
But what are some things we don't know about this emotional state we all strive for?
好吧,这里有关于我们问题的一些历史 。
Well, there's some history here that bears on our story.
This poisonous process is bringing suffering to us and to everyone who cares about us.
不愉快的过程给我们与关心我们的每个人带来痛苦 。
In brief, self-study is all about us basically.
总之,自学基本上都是关于我们自己的 。
Personality tests have their uses, even if they do not reveal any scientific truth about us.
个性测试有它自身的用途,就算它们并没有揭示出任何关于我们的科学真相 。
Or Anything else you want to know about us?
Yeah, well, I don't think he cared about us tying the truck to the victims.
恩,我想他不担心我们把车和受害人联系上 。
Here is what we know about US equity markets.
以下是我们对美国股市的认识 。
But do you really know about us?
Carol, I want to talk about us.
卡罗,我想谈谈我们的事 。
We give away so much of our energy, power and inner peace by worrying about what others think about us and our choices.
我们因为担心别人会怎么看我们和我们所做的选择,而浪费了自己很多的能量和内心的平静 。
